United States American Saddlebred Organizations Directory
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American Saddlebred Horse Association - ASHA
The official site of the American Saddlebred Horse Association. Search the registry, and find competitions, stables and farms.
American Saddlebred Association of the Carolinas, The - ASACwww.asha.net/

Visit American Saddlebred Association of the Carolinas, The - ASAC's Facebook Page

Visit American Saddlebred Horse Association of Michigan - ASHAM's Facebook Page
Devoted to promoting the breeding, training, handling and horsemanship of the fine American Saddlebred.
This association is an affiliate of ASHA. The website includes information about UPHA Chapter 13 activities, the PA Futurity, and the Ohio Academy Riders Tournament.
American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia - ASHAVEast Tennessee Saddlebred Association, Inc. - ETSALouisiana American Saddlebred Horse Association - LASHANorthwest Saddlebred Association - NWSAwww.ohiosaddlebred.com/
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Find American Saddlebred Organizations in:
- Alabama (0/67)
- Alaska (0/27)
- Arizona (0/15)
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- California (2/58)
- Colorado (0/64)
- Connecticut (2/8)
- Delaware (0/3)
- District of Columbia (0/0)
- Florida (0/67)
- Georgia (1/159)
- Hawaii (0/5)
- Idaho (0/44)
- Illinois (0/102)
- Indiana (1/92)
- Iowa (0/99)
- Kansas (0/105)
- Kentucky (1/120)
- Louisiana (1/64)
- Maine (2/16)
- Maryland (0/24)
- Massachusetts (1/14)
- Michigan (1/83)
- Minnesota (1/87)
- Mississippi (0/82)
- Missouri (1/114)
- Montana (1/56)
- Nebraska (0/93)
- Nevada (0/17)
- New Hampshire (2/10)
- New Jersey (1/21)
- New Mexico (0/33)
- New York (1/62)
- North Carolina (1/100)
- North Dakota (0/53)
- Ohio (1/88)
- Oklahoma (0/77)
- Oregon (1/36)
- Pennsylvania (1/67)
- Rhode Island (1/5)
- South Carolina (1/46)
- South Dakota (0/66)
- Tennessee (1/95)
- Texas (1/254)
- Utah (0/29)
- Vermont (2/14)
- Virginia (1/134)
- Washington (1/39)
- West Virginia (0/55)
- Wisconsin (0/72)
- Wyoming (0/23)