Minnesota Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms Directory
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2KS / NorthStar Appaloosas
1409 US Hwy 59
Garvin, MN 56132
The mission in our breeding program is to produce quality foals that have proper Appaloosa conformation, a willing, people friendly disposition, and the versatility to successfully participate in a wide variety of events. Foundation bloodlines, color and the Indian Shuffle are integral parts of our program.
AAAAppaloosasBroken Bit AppaloosasGarvin, MN 56132
(507) 629-4401
2ksnorthstar@llwb.coopThe mission in our breeding program is to produce quality foals that have proper Appaloosa conformation, a willing, people friendly disposition, and the versatility to successfully participate in a wide variety of events. Foundation bloodlines, color and the Indian Shuffle are integral parts of our program.
38596 Dew Drop Road
Lanesboro, MN 55949
Small farm in the Bluff Country of SE Minnesota. We raise black based Foundation Appaloosas. We primarily trail ride, and most of our stock carries the Indian Shuffle genes. Bloodlines go back to many great ones; Toby, Plaudit, Chief Chelsea, Mansfields Commanche, Ulrich lines, and DREA. 100% Foundation fewspot stallion at stud. Versatile, athletic, beautiful, and sane. Suitable for the show ring or the family trail ride. Excellent dispositions and coat patterns. Gentle young stock for sale.
Design Sport HorseLanesboro, MN 55949
(507) 875-2515
bbrspots@gmail.comSmall farm in the Bluff Country of SE Minnesota. We raise black based Foundation Appaloosas. We primarily trail ride, and most of our stock carries the Indian Shuffle genes. Bloodlines go back to many great ones; Toby, Plaudit, Chief Chelsea, Mansfields Commanche, Ulrich lines, and DREA. 100% Foundation fewspot stallion at stud. Versatile, athletic, beautiful, and sane. Suitable for the show ring or the family trail ride. Excellent dispositions and coat patterns. Gentle young stock for sale.
Cindy Bellamy
17260 Ingersoll Ave No
Hugo, MN 55038
By blending Warmbloods and quality Appaloosas, we are producing top quality Appaloosa Sport Horses. Our horses are NOT ApHC Appaloosas, which have been Western performance horses for decades. Our horses are bred toward European & American Sport Horse standards. There is more to being an Appaloosa Sport Horse than just calling yourself one! Our horses are the pattern of an Appaloosa, but not the breed. We are the Imperial Warmblood-Appaloosa Sport Horse.
Dream Makers AppaloosasJohnson Show Horses17260 Ingersoll Ave No
Hugo, MN 55038
(651) 653-6217
Bellamy88@msn.comBy blending Warmbloods and quality Appaloosas, we are producing top quality Appaloosa Sport Horses. Our horses are NOT ApHC Appaloosas, which have been Western performance horses for decades. Our horses are bred toward European & American Sport Horse standards. There is more to being an Appaloosa Sport Horse than just calling yourself one! Our horses are the pattern of an Appaloosa, but not the breed. We are the Imperial Warmblood-Appaloosa Sport Horse.
- Friesian Horse Farms and Stallions
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
25642 Highway 210 West
Staples, MN 56479
Quality Appaloosa sales & breeding. Our goal is to produce a horse that epitomizes the qualities of the Appaloosa breed: color, disposition, and versatility.
Yellow Medicine AppaloosasFilzen Show HorsesStaples, MN 56479
(218) 894-3178
jsh@hughes.netQuality Appaloosa sales & breeding. Our goal is to produce a horse that epitomizes the qualities of the Appaloosa breed: color, disposition, and versatility.
33158 MN Hwy 15
Kimball, MN 55353
Training, breeding, showing and sales of Appaloosa horses, POA's and more. Let us help you into the winner's circle.
Sporting Spots AppaloosasKimball, MN 55353
(320) 398-6046
mpfilzen@netlinkcom.comTraining, breeding, showing and sales of Appaloosa horses, POA's and more. Let us help you into the winner's circle.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Pony of the Americas Breeders and Stallions
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
44935 Cedarcrest Trail
Harris, MN 55032
Sporting Spots Appaloosas is a small family owned and operated farm striving to breed the ultimate dressage performance Appaloosas. We give lessons and have horses available to purchase at times.
Eagle Valley AppaloosasHarris, MN 55032
(651) 528-2079
Sporting Spots Appaloosas is a small family owned and operated farm striving to breed the ultimate dressage performance Appaloosas. We give lessons and have horses available to purchase at times.
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Dressage Stables
Eagle Bend, MN 56446
Eagle Valley Appaloosas is a beautiful horse facility located near Eagle Bend, Minnesota. We have many well known Appaloosa bloodlines such as Dreamfinder and The Executive and also mare bloodlines like Goer, Absarokee, Prince Plaudit, Mighty Tim, The Sting and many others. Visit our website for a complete list of horses for sale.
(218) 738-5683
cindymae@midwestinfo.netEagle Valley Appaloosas is a beautiful horse facility located near Eagle Bend, Minnesota. We have many well known Appaloosa bloodlines such as Dreamfinder and The Executive and also mare bloodlines like Goer, Absarokee, Prince Plaudit, Mighty Tim, The Sting and many others. Visit our website for a complete list of horses for sale.
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