Appaloosa Organizations Directory
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Bluegrass State Appaloosa Horse Club - BGSApHC

Visit Bluegrass State Appaloosa Horse Club - BGSApHC's Facebook Page
1660 Bonds Mill Road
Lawrenceburg, KY 40342
(502) 839-5404
justapps@gmail.comA regional club in Kentucky with a charter from the Appaloosa Horse Club. We have an awards program for regional points, open shows, trail riding, and competitive trail riding. We as a club are striving to get our Appaloosas out in other areas and reward our owners for it. Every September, Bluegrass State ApHC hosts the Nan Tippin Classic. We also have a stallion service auction at the show as well as a weanling futurity.

Visit British Appaloosa Society - BApS's Facebook Page
Registration for spotted appaloosa horses. Membership, shows, appaloosas for sale, and appaloosa stallions at stud.
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