Oceania Australian Warmblood Breeders and Stallions Directory
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Bellingara Stud

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Kiama NSW 2533
Warmbloods & Welsh Ponies
Our goal is to produce Warmbloods with the qualities to excel at all levels of dressage. We produce frozen semen foals from some of the best German and Dutch dressage sires. We also use select local imported Warmblood stallions and our own stallion Bellingara Ferrero by Ferro who stands at stud. Young Warmbloods available for sale. Please visit our website for more info.
Welsh Ponies
Our pony breeding programme aims to produce ponies that have:
1. Excellent conformation and movement
2. True to type Welsh Pony characteristics
3. Suitability to be shown at the highest levels
Our Welsh pony stud also strives to breed ponies with temperaments suitable for children to handle and ride.
We have achieved great success in the show ring, with our ponies winning Champions and Supremes at prestigious Royal and All Welsh shows. Welsh ponies for sale from weanling foals to adults. We also stand Welsh stallions at stud.
Located in the Illawarra area south of Sydney, NSW.
Please see www.bellingarastud.com.au for further information.
900 Koonwarra Pound Creek Road
Tarwin Lower VIC 3956
Home of Monsview Kingson, Dresden Playboy, Monsview Golden Edition, and Monsview River Dance.
Monsview Park was established in 1956 at Glenrowan in Vic, based as a palomino stud, by owner Bill Hooper. Bill selected his broodmares with particular thoroughbred breeding from top bloodlines in Aus and NZ.
Bill showed his horses all over the state and interstate, resulting in many wins and launching the stud into one of the most recognised studs in Australia for the horse industry.
We purchased the stud in 1980 after Bill passed away and have continued the winning success. We have been breeding show and pleasure horses for the general public, and stand stallions at stud.
At Monsview Park, we aim to breed quality golden palominos with the potential to excel in dressage, showing, and all-around horsemanship.
To do this, we try to stick to mares who are of Thoroughbred and
Australian Stock Horse breeding.
Ponderosa StudNyongee FarmTarwin Lower VIC 3956
(03) 5674 5523
0412 705 862
monsview@nex.net.auHome of Monsview Kingson, Dresden Playboy, Monsview Golden Edition, and Monsview River Dance.
Monsview Park was established in 1956 at Glenrowan in Vic, based as a palomino stud, by owner Bill Hooper. Bill selected his broodmares with particular thoroughbred breeding from top bloodlines in Aus and NZ.
Bill showed his horses all over the state and interstate, resulting in many wins and launching the stud into one of the most recognised studs in Australia for the horse industry.
We purchased the stud in 1980 after Bill passed away and have continued the winning success. We have been breeding show and pleasure horses for the general public, and stand stallions at stud.
At Monsview Park, we aim to breed quality golden palominos with the potential to excel in dressage, showing, and all-around horsemanship.
To do this, we try to stick to mares who are of Thoroughbred and
Australian Stock Horse breeding.
- Palomino Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Australian Stock Horse Breeders
- Australian Warmblood Breeders
Springton SA 5235
Nyongee Farm is the owner of Caruso, the warmblood stallion. View Caruso's performance results within this site.
Primrose CourtAUSTRALIA
(08) 8568 2327
Nyongee Farm is the owner of Caruso, the warmblood stallion. View Caruso's performance results within this site.
Perth WA 6556
Warmblood and sport pony stud. Producing quality Warmblood sport horses and ponies of Trakehner breeding.
Warmblood and sport pony stud. Producing quality Warmblood sport horses and ponies of Trakehner breeding.
- Trakehner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Sport Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Australian Warmblood Breeders
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