New South Wales, Australia Australian Warmblood Breeders and Stallions Directory
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Bellingara Stud

Visit Bellingara Stud's Facebook Page
Kiama NSW 2533
Warmbloods & Welsh Ponies
Our goal is to produce Warmbloods with the qualities to excel at all levels of dressage. We produce frozen semen foals from some of the best German and Dutch dressage sires. We also use select local imported Warmblood stallions and our own stallion Bellingara Ferrero by Ferro who stands at stud. Young Warmbloods available for sale. Please visit our website for more info.
Welsh Ponies
Our pony breeding programme aims to produce ponies that have:
1. Excellent conformation and movement
2. True to type Welsh Pony characteristics
3. Suitability to be shown at the highest levels
Our Welsh pony stud also strives to breed ponies with temperaments suitable for children to handle and ride.
We have achieved great success in the show ring, with our ponies winning Champions and Supremes at prestigious Royal and All Welsh shows. Welsh ponies for sale from weanling foals to adults. We also stand Welsh stallions at stud.
Located in the Illawarra area south of Sydney, NSW.
Please see for further information.
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