Idaho Bashkir Curly Breeders and Stallions Directory
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Cougar Mountain Ranch
(208) 263-6131
American Curly Horse breeder, Cougar Mountain Ranch, usually has Curlies for sale. All ages and genders and many colors. Licensed breeder in both American and international Curly Horse registries.

Visit Creekside Curlies' Facebook Page
17829 Hubbard Gulch
Juliaetta, ID 83535
(208) 276-7540
creeksidecurlies@gmail.comBreeding fine curly sports horses. Deluxe trail horses for sport and family.
Penny Johnson
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
We are breeders licensed with the American Bashkir Curly Registry and support their standards and goals. We are working to breed an ideal Curly Horse from foundation lines of Yellow Hornet and Lakota Sioux Curly Horses.
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
(208) 267-7929
stuart@wpjohnson.netWe are breeders licensed with the American Bashkir Curly Registry and support their standards and goals. We are working to breed an ideal Curly Horse from foundation lines of Yellow Hornet and Lakota Sioux Curly Horses.
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