Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms Directory
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ABC Sport Horses - Ardnehue Bennekerry Carlow

00353 (0)87 9243 120
pkehoe1@gmail.comBreeding Irish Sport Horses for eventing and showjumping.
1030 20th St S
Birmingham, AL 35205
Altamont Sport Horses is a small farm producing quality Trakehners as well as the occasional Irish Draught Sport Horse and Appaloosa Sport Horse for the disciplines of dressage, show jumping, and especially eventing. It is our goal to produce athletic foals with exceptional temperaments. Our foals are carefully imprinted at birth and handled daily until they are weaned at approximately 6 months of age. At Altamont Sport Horses, we begin the process of developing our foals' trust of humans from the moment they take their first breath.
Ballinamuddagh Stud FarmBirmingham, AL 35205
(205) 213-8452
AltamontSportHorses@gmail.comAltamont Sport Horses is a small farm producing quality Trakehners as well as the occasional Irish Draught Sport Horse and Appaloosa Sport Horse for the disciplines of dressage, show jumping, and especially eventing. It is our goal to produce athletic foals with exceptional temperaments. Our foals are carefully imprinted at birth and handled daily until they are weaned at approximately 6 months of age. At Altamont Sport Horses, we begin the process of developing our foals' trust of humans from the moment they take their first breath.
- Trakehner Breeders and Stallions
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Sport Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Irish Draught Breeders and Stallions
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms is the online home of Ballinamuddagh Stud, an Irish stud farm. The stud has horses ranging from stallions to broodmares. A selection of our home bred foals, broodmares, potential showjumpers, eventers, hunters, and leisure horses/ponies are for sale.
First Flight is the online home of Ballinamuddagh Stud, an Irish stud farm. The stud has horses ranging from stallions to broodmares. A selection of our home bred foals, broodmares, potential showjumpers, eventers, hunters, and leisure horses/ponies are for sale.
9780 Brauer Road
Clarence Center, NY 14032
Breeding some of the best lines of the Irish Sport Horse and Hanoverian Z lines. Exceptional horses with talent, scope and heart. Started green, then offered for sale to the professional or amateur who will take them to their potential. Give us a call to view our facility, brood mares and young horses ready to move on to achieve their potential.
High Point Equestrian CenterClarence Center, NY 14032
(716) 796-5272
(716) 870-9213
mlwoolever@hotmail.comBreeding some of the best lines of the Irish Sport Horse and Hanoverian Z lines. Exceptional horses with talent, scope and heart. Started green, then offered for sale to the professional or amateur who will take them to their potential. Give us a call to view our facility, brood mares and young horses ready to move on to achieve their potential.
- Hanoverian Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
20 Birchtree Road
Montague, NJ 07827
Combined training facility offering lessons and training in dressage, stadium jumping, and x-country. Beautiful facility on 80 scenic acres. Shows and clinics on and off site.
Kilcoltrim HorsesMontague, NJ 07827
(973) 293-0033
info@rideirishhorses.comCombined training facility offering lessons and training in dressage, stadium jumping, and x-country. Beautiful facility on 80 scenic acres. Shows and clinics on and off site.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Irish Draught Breeders and Stallions
- Eventing Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
Borris, Co Carlow
Kilcoltrim Horses is a small farm situated in the southeast of Ireland. At Kilcoltrim Horses, we are dedicated to breeding and producing performance Irish sporthorses for eventing and showjumping.
Runchkin Hill FarmBorris, Co Carlow
kilcoltrimhorses@hotmail.comKilcoltrim Horses is a small farm situated in the southeast of Ireland. At Kilcoltrim Horses, we are dedicated to breeding and producing performance Irish sporthorses for eventing and showjumping.
Essex, MA 01929
We breed Irish Draughts and Irish Sport Horses. We train all breeds.
Shanbally Irish Sport Horse Eventing Centre(978) 423-0877
runchkin@yahoo.comWe breed Irish Draughts and Irish Sport Horses. We train all breeds.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Irish Draught Breeders and Stallions
- Horse Training Stables
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
- Natural Horsemanship Training
Shanbally Farm
Craughwell, Co. Galway
Tom Mcnamara's Irish sport horse eventing course and horse sales. We have a great selection of beautiful Irish sport horses for sale and rent in Galway, close to the Galway Blazers in Craughwell.
Bellwether Irish DraughtsCraughwell, Co. Galway
091 84 64 78
+353 91 846478
irishsporthorses@gmail.comTom Mcnamara's Irish sport horse eventing course and horse sales. We have a great selection of beautiful Irish sport horses for sale and rent in Galway, close to the Galway Blazers in Craughwell.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Fox Hunting Stables
- Eventing Stables
- Sale Barns
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
105 Brinker Road
Barrington, IL 60010
Breeder of traditional Irish Draughts and crosses for sport and pleasure.
Celtic Manor FarmBarrington, IL 60010
(847) 754-7223
susan@bellwetheririshdraughts.comBreeder of traditional Irish Draughts and crosses for sport and pleasure.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Irish Draught Breeders and Stallions
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
259 Barrel Valley Rd
Spring Church, PA 15686
Producers of Irish Horses. Celtic Manor Farm is located in Pennsylvania, in Amish country. We are dedicated to the breeding, preservation and performance of the purebred Irish Draught and the modern Irish Sport Horse. We breed quality Irish Draught and Irish Sport horses that are true to type with excellent blood-lines, conformation, and temperament.
Spring Church, PA 15686
(724) 448-9657
gina@irishhorsefarm.comProducers of Irish Horses. Celtic Manor Farm is located in Pennsylvania, in Amish country. We are dedicated to the breeding, preservation and performance of the purebred Irish Draught and the modern Irish Sport Horse. We breed quality Irish Draught and Irish Sport horses that are true to type with excellent blood-lines, conformation, and temperament.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Irish Draught Breeders and Stallions
- Irish Sport Horse Breeders / Farms
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