Lipizzaner Organizations Directory
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Australian Lipizzaner Registry - ALRLipizzan Association of North America - LANA

Visit Lipizzan Association of North America - LANA's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 1133
Anderson, IN 46015
The Lipizzan Association of North America (LANA) was formed by the merger of the Lipizzan Association of America and the Lipizzan Society of North America in 1992. LANA is a North American representative to the Lipizzan International Federation, a worldwide association of Lipizzan owners and breeders.
UK Government & European Commission recognised, National Studbook Association for the Lipizzaner. Member of the Lipizzan International Federation. Official Passports issued for all Lipizzaners. Comprehensive information on website.
Spanische Hofreitschule - Association of Friends of the Spanish Riding
Die Gesellschaft Freunde der Spanischen Hofreitschule
unterstutzt die Spanische Hofreitschule Wien sowie die Kultur und Tradition rund um die Lipizzaner.
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