New Jersey Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions Directory
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Skyhawke Farm

Visit Skyhawke Farm's Facebook Page
(856) 466-6807
Ricochet25@msn.comFamily owned horse and pony farm. Specializing in trail riding and driving horses.
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
- Driving Stables
- Horse Training Stables
165 Hibler Road
Newton, NJ 07860
AMHA/AMHR miniature horses. Specializing in breeding the modern ARAB type Appaloosa.
Mystic Springs MiniaturesNewton, NJ 07860
(973) 300-0802
darkmoonfarm@embarqmail.comAMHA/AMHR miniature horses. Specializing in breeding the modern ARAB type Appaloosa.
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Breeding AMHA and AMHR Miniature Horses for conformation, pedigree, and personality. Located in New Jersey.
TrueJoy Miniatures(732) 762-3677
Mysticsprings@comcast.netBreeding AMHA and AMHR Miniature Horses for conformation, pedigree, and personality. Located in New Jersey.
216 Salina Road
Sewell, NJ 08080
Tiny, sweet and colorful AMHA, AMHR miniature horses for sale in southern NJ. Too cute for words. Show, breed and pet. Excellent blood lines. All under 34".
Evergreen Miniature Horse FarmSewell, NJ 08080
(856) 589-4405
truejoymin@aol.comTiny, sweet and colorful AMHA, AMHR miniature horses for sale in southern NJ. Too cute for words. Show, breed and pet. Excellent blood lines. All under 34".
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