Alberta Quarter Horse Breeders and Quarter Horse Farms Directory
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Dun Rite Stock and Stables

Visit Dun Rite Stock and Stables' Facebook Page
Box 464
Bentley AB T0C 0J0
(403) 748-4030
info@dunritestockandstables.comA full service equine boarding, breeding, and training facility. Located north of Bentley Alberta, (30 min. from Red Deer). We specialize in taking quality care of your companion. Each horse is on a customized nutrition program. All horses have heated waterers and shelter. The facility is designed to be safe for horses. Our training program is designed to work with each individual rider and horse to reach the goals that you have set. Lesson packages are also available (private or group). We show APHA / AQHA / PtHA horses as well as breeding quality APHA / AQHA show prospects. Dun Rite Stock and Stables also markets natural beef which is raised on farm and hormone/chemical free.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Gabob Appaloosas' Facebook Page
PO Box 127
Forestburg AB T0B1N0
(780) 583-2152
Breeding and selling quality Appaloosa and Quarter horses.
Manning AB
Rodeo horses. We raise and train barrel racing and roping horses. We have to sires standing at stud: Mr Bonactas Skipper (2x skipper W breed) & Extra Fire Bar None (Fire Water Flit, Copy Bar None, Burnt Spur & Jet View breeding).
Rein Maker Performance Horses(780) 836-2580
Rodeo horses. We raise and train barrel racing and roping horses. We have to sires standing at stud: Mr Bonactas Skipper (2x skipper W breed) & Extra Fire Bar None (Fire Water Flit, Copy Bar None, Burnt Spur & Jet View breeding).
Edmonton AB
Rein Maker, home of Loveable Nic. Raising and training top quality reining horses in Alberta, Canada.
Aspen West Paint Horses(780) 915-4787
(780) 922-3985
taylorranch@xplornet.caRein Maker, home of Loveable Nic. Raising and training top quality reining horses in Alberta, Canada.
Tofield AB T0B4J0
Custom horse transport. We're fully insured, including the horses entrusted to our care, and legal to haul through North America. We prefer to haul for people who care more how their horse is hauled than just the price.
We also raise a few fine quality colored foals each year that are for sale at weaning.
Dandee Quarter Horses(780) 662-2632
(780) 662-2632
hickling@netkaster.caCustom horse transport. We're fully insured, including the horses entrusted to our care, and legal to haul through North America. We prefer to haul for people who care more how their horse is hauled than just the price.
We also raise a few fine quality colored foals each year that are for sale at weaning.
Stettler AB
We believe in breeding for quality horses, not quantity. We breed for conformation, disposition, athletic ability, and versatility.
We believe in breeding for quality horses, not quantity. We breed for conformation, disposition, athletic ability, and versatility.
Ponoka AB T4G 1R3
Quality horses: purpose bred, professionally trained, and ready to work. Check out our sale horses.
Mountain Valley Paints and Arabians(403) 872-1524
aherron@ualberta.caQuality horses: purpose bred, professionally trained, and ready to work. Check out our sale horses.
Lyalta, AB T0J 1Y0
Breeding quality Paints, Arabians and Quarter Horses.
Standing two stallions:
-PF Djakarta, black Arabian, is a grandson of Zodiac Matador, Ariston and a great grandson of Promotion. All three great stallions are Bask sons.
-Jack Skipped Barb, palomino Quarter Horse, contains bloodlines to the great stallions Skipper W, Two Eyed Jack, Otoe and Poco Bueno.
Mountain Valley treats all their horses with respect and kindness. We are located just outside of Calgary, AB in a little town called Lyalta.
Powell Quarter HorsesRiata Ridge Remuda(403) 620-3247
mvpaintsarabians@gmail.comBreeding quality Paints, Arabians and Quarter Horses.
Standing two stallions:
-PF Djakarta, black Arabian, is a grandson of Zodiac Matador, Ariston and a great grandson of Promotion. All three great stallions are Bask sons.
-Jack Skipped Barb, palomino Quarter Horse, contains bloodlines to the great stallions Skipper W, Two Eyed Jack, Otoe and Poco Bueno.
Mountain Valley treats all their horses with respect and kindness. We are located just outside of Calgary, AB in a little town called Lyalta.
Bluffton AB T0C 0M0
Raising quality working Hancock & Foundation bred "cowboy style" Quarter Horses with size, athleticism, cowsense, speed and great dispositions.
(403) 843-4363
(403) 704-3702
rick@riataridgeremuda.comRaising quality working Hancock & Foundation bred "cowboy style" Quarter Horses with size, athleticism, cowsense, speed and great dispositions.
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