Pilesgrove, New Jersey Christian Horse Community Directory
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Raise Your Dreams Farm
328 E Lake Road
Pilesgrove, NJ 08098
Raise Your Dreams Farm is a great place to learn how to ride for beginner to advanced students. We offer a variety of safe and reliable horses to learn on. Summer camp is also available for all levels of riders. Selected as the Equine Therapy Center for the Salem County Autistic Association, we are committed to providing an excellent experience to all students. For it is with God all things are possible!
Pilesgrove, NJ 08098
(856) 769-3722
jmansor62raiseyourdreamsfarm@yahoo.comRaise Your Dreams Farm is a great place to learn how to ride for beginner to advanced students. We offer a variety of safe and reliable horses to learn on. Summer camp is also available for all levels of riders. Selected as the Equine Therapy Center for the Salem County Autistic Association, we are committed to providing an excellent experience to all students. For it is with God all things are possible!
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