Dressage Directory
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Sustainable DressageActualidad EcuestreArtisticDressage.com / Ritter Dressage
2852 Willamette St #189
Eugene, OR 97405
Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of classical (a.k.a. traditional) dressage. Discussion groups, blog, Q&A forums, articles, photo gallery, and more.
Delucchi DressageDigital Horse, TheEugene, OR 97405
(360) 631-1101
(360) 631-1102
shana@artisticdressage.comDedicated to the preservation and promotion of classical (a.k.a. traditional) dressage. Discussion groups, blog, Q&A forums, articles, photo gallery, and more.
- Dressage
- Lipizzaner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
Learn dressage and eventing tests quickly and easily with animated diagrams.
Dressage Connectionwww.thedigitalhorse.com/
Where Dressage riders stay connected. Articles, interviews, news and more.
Dressage Directory, Thewww.dressage-connection.com/
International directory of dressage related web links, including arena diagrams and links to sites containing other information.
Dressage QuebecDressage Training with Jacqueline Macdonald Jacobswww.dressage.net.au/

Visit Dressage Training with Jacqueline Macdonald Jacobs' Facebook Page
If you're looking for a dressage instructor who can work with a rider and horse of any level, you are looking for Jacqui Jacobs.
A USDF Silver Medalist and credentialed by the British Horse Society, Jacqui can help you reach your dressage training goals so that you can become the confident and capable dressage rider that you seek to become.
Jacqui offers several training options to suit your needs.
How to train your horse. Advice and analysis for quality riding, starting with a young horse and all the way to "Haute-Ecole" Dressage. Le du cheval: conseils et analyses pour une equitation de qualite debourrage a la haute ecole. In English/French.