Side Saddle Organizations Directory
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Damensattel-Verein Schweiz / Swiss Side Saddle Association
Route de Malagny 2
1294 Genthod
This is the homepage of the Swiss Side Saddle Association, where you can find all the information concerning the club life. In the marketplace, you can discover ancient side saddles in good condition for sale.
Georgia Ladies Aside - GALA1294 Genthod
info.francais@damensattel-schweiz.chThis is the homepage of the Swiss Side Saddle Association, where you can find all the information concerning the club life. In the marketplace, you can discover ancient side saddles in good condition for sale.

Visit Georgia Ladies Aside - GALA's Facebook Page
3158 Blairhill Court
Atlanta, GA 30340
(770) 908-9031
galadiesaside@aol.comGeorgia Ladies Aside is a group of ladies interested in educating the public and promoting the lovely art of sidesaddle riding. Our members ride and show aside in hunter/jumpers, dressage, combined training, western, trail riding, pleasure riding, and historical costumes. We have members in Georgia as well as eleven other states!
The Georgia Ladies Aside are available for demonstrations in modern or historical attire for horse clubs, equine and special events, flag-bearing at shows, parades, and school events. We also host sidesaddle clinics throughout the year.
PO Box 161
Stevensville, MD 21666
Oldest non-profit side saddle organization in the world; promoting side saddle riding of all styles.
NEA Sidesaddle AssociationSide Saddle Association of IrelandStevensville, MD 21666
(410) 446-3934
(304) 379-9041
info@sidesaddle.comOldest non-profit side saddle organization in the world; promoting side saddle riding of all styles.
We are a small organisation based in Ireland working to promote the art of side saddle riding in Ireland.
We can help with any enquiries you may have.
We are a small organisation based in Ireland working to promote the art of side saddle riding in Ireland.
We can help with any enquiries you may have.
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