North America Trail Riding Organizations Directory
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American Competitive Trail Horse Association - ACTHA
Spicewood, TX 78669
Sanctioning organization for CTCs (Competitive Trail Challenges) and registry for trail horses (non-breed specific) who compete in them. One day rides held throughout USA. Horses earn medals and ability designations enhancing their value and stature.
Rides are over a 5-6 mile course with 5-6 judged obstacles. Lots of fun. Prize $$$ for open riders and great prizes for pleasure and junior riders.
Rides mainly sponsored by clubs and horse orgs for fund raising. ACTHA nationally advertises, trains, and supervises staff while supplying endless support via manuals, phone, and DVD's... including live video feed on ride day.
Main theme... honoring the great American Trail Horse. Great fun and uses a great fund raising method! (Dedicated individuals also invited to enquire). Visit our website for more info or call Carrie at 830-693-2065 for a discussion on how you or your horse organization can raise funds and have fun doing it.
(830) 693-2065
tom@actha.usSanctioning organization for CTCs (Competitive Trail Challenges) and registry for trail horses (non-breed specific) who compete in them. One day rides held throughout USA. Horses earn medals and ability designations enhancing their value and stature.
Rides are over a 5-6 mile course with 5-6 judged obstacles. Lots of fun. Prize $$$ for open riders and great prizes for pleasure and junior riders.
Rides mainly sponsored by clubs and horse orgs for fund raising. ACTHA nationally advertises, trains, and supervises staff while supplying endless support via manuals, phone, and DVD's... including live video feed on ride day.
Main theme... honoring the great American Trail Horse. Great fun and uses a great fund raising method! (Dedicated individuals also invited to enquire). Visit our website for more info or call Carrie at 830-693-2065 for a discussion on how you or your horse organization can raise funds and have fun doing it.
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