Horse Events Directory
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Horse Shows ResourcesHorse Sports By the Bay, Inc.
Flintfields Horse Park
6535 Bates Road
Williamsburg, MI 49690
Irish Horse Shows & Equestrian Events6535 Bates Road
Williamsburg, MI 49690
(231) 267-3700
PO Box 7546
Dublin 12,
Irish Horse Shows contains the details of hundreds of equestrian events all over Ireland, from showing to fun rides, showjumping to dressage, and lots more besides!
Jake Clark's Mule DaysDublin 12,
Irish Horse Shows contains the details of hundreds of equestrian events all over Ireland, from showing to fun rides, showjumping to dressage, and lots more besides!
Big Boulder Ranch
1134 Road 14
Powell, WY 82435
Only the finest mules for sale at Jake Clark's premier saddle mule auction in Ralston, Wyoming. Located between Cody and Powell, Wyoming, this 5 day event includes: mule riding, competitive cowboy shooting, driving mules, a jackpot roping, and vendors of mule art and tack. Join us for the many events: rodeo, dance, parade, auction, seminars, clinics, and steak dinner.
Jake Clark's Mule Days is becoming known as America's finest select saddle mule auction. We believe that buyers should be able to buy with confidence and have a very good idea of the type of mule they are buying. All auction mules are required to be guaranteed sound, and the seller will be held to what he says about the mules qualities. To provide the buyers with an even better guarantee, all mules sold by Jake Clark carry an additional 30-day guarantee.
Kentucky Derby1134 Road 14
Powell, WY 82435
(307) 754-4320
kay@saddlemule.comOnly the finest mules for sale at Jake Clark's premier saddle mule auction in Ralston, Wyoming. Located between Cody and Powell, Wyoming, this 5 day event includes: mule riding, competitive cowboy shooting, driving mules, a jackpot roping, and vendors of mule art and tack. Join us for the many events: rodeo, dance, parade, auction, seminars, clinics, and steak dinner.
Jake Clark's Mule Days is becoming known as America's finest select saddle mule auction. We believe that buyers should be able to buy with confidence and have a very good idea of the type of mule they are buying. All auction mules are required to be guaranteed sound, and the seller will be held to what he says about the mules qualities. To provide the buyers with an even better guarantee, all mules sold by Jake Clark carry an additional 30-day guarantee.

Visit Kentucky Derby's Facebook Page
Churchill Downs
700 Central Avenue
Louisville, KY 40208
Debout sur deux, quatre ou six chevaux, sautant des obstacles Lorenzo nous dévoile avec son élégance que l'équilibre et la confiance entre l'homme et le cheval ne font qu'un! The flying french man is really amazing on his six jumping horses...
Lyman Hall Open Horse
210 Thorpe Ave
Wallingford, CT 06492
Horse show and gymkhana as well as, hunters and jumpers. Western and English. Command, western riding, and cross rails! Online entry! To benefit Lyman Hall FFA.
Madison County Fair & Horse ShowMaricopa County FairWallingford, CT 06492
(203) 640-8868
Missmegz121@sbcglobal.netHorse show and gymkhana as well as, hunters and jumpers. Western and English. Command, western riding, and cross rails! Online entry! To benefit Lyman Hall FFA.
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