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The Mane Event

Visit The Mane Event's Facebook Page
Unit 468
230 - 1210 Summit Drive
Kamloops BC V2C 5L2
(250) 578-7518
info@maneeventexpo.comOver 100 hours of equine education. Clinics, demos, and presentations on Reining, Driving, Jumping, Barrel Racing, Horsemanship, Colt Starting, Dressage, Cow Work, Western Dressage, and More. Visit website for details, a schedule of events, and bios of the clinicians.

Visit Thoroughbred Athletes' Facebook Page
2851 S Midwest Blvd
Guthrie, OK 73044
(405) 802-1312
lynn@thoroughbred-athletes.comWe are a facility for retired TB racehorse retraining, with our main goal being to safely transition young thoroughbred athletes from racetrack to show ring. We hold the "Sport of Kings" challenge, an event that creates incentive for ownership and competition. Every fall, it's held with cash awards and prizes for those ex-racehorses that go on to second careers. We also have a youth program that targets young riders that compete with an off track thoroughbred. We also offer many re-trained young athletes for sale.

Visit Track One Events' Facebook Page
P.O. Box 2155
Costa Mesa, CA 92628
(714) 444-2918
trackoneevents@aol.comPlease become a fan of "Track One Events" on Facebook for our latest horse show news, updates & photos.
820 Gray Road
Cocoa, FL 32926
American Horse Shows presents current horse show news and a calender for major horse show in America. Breed shows and stadium jumping, hunter/jumper, dressage, eventing, combined, driving, reining, vaulting, equitation, English, western, speed, rodeos, pleasure, and American Quarter Horse shows.
Cornerstone Events ManagementCocoa, FL 32926
(321) 720-6033
grcrum@gmail.comAmerican Horse Shows presents current horse show news and a calender for major horse show in America. Breed shows and stadium jumping, hunter/jumper, dressage, eventing, combined, driving, reining, vaulting, equitation, English, western, speed, rodeos, pleasure, and American Quarter Horse shows.
480 Riverside Drive
Burbank, CA 91506
Located at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.
Devon Horse Show, TheEQUITANA - Weltmesse der PferdeBurbank, CA 91506
(818) 841-3554
Located at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.
In 16 Hallen findet der Besucher auf dieser Messe für Pferdesport ein Angebot rund ums Pferd - vom Zubehör für Pferd und Reiter, von Kutschen bis zum Transporter, vom Zaun bis zum fertigen Stall, vom Reitplatzboden bis hin zum Hindernis.
Equitana Asia
4/214 Bay Street
Brighton VIC 3186
Equitana Asia Pacific is the largest and most exciting equine event in the Southern Hemisphere. It merges equine education, entertainment, competition and exhibition into an action packed world of horses.
Hampton Classic, TheBrighton VIC 3186
+61 3 9596 8744 Asia Pacific is the largest and most exciting equine event in the Southern Hemisphere. It merges equine education, entertainment, competition and exhibition into an action packed world of horses.
PO Box 3013
240 Snake Hollow Road
Bridgehampton, NY 11932
Horse show jumping and horse show competitors ride to the Hampton Classic website. Hampton's finest sporting and social event takes place in August in the Hamptons at the Hampton Classic horse show.
Hudson Valley Horse Shows / Mulberry Equestrian LLC240 Snake Hollow Road
Bridgehampton, NY 11932
(631) 537-3177
info@hamptonclassic.comHorse show jumping and horse show competitors ride to the Hampton Classic website. Hampton's finest sporting and social event takes place in August in the Hamptons at the Hampton Classic horse show.
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