Horse Blogs Directory
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Rafter R Training Center

Visit Rafter R Training Center's Facebook Page
Bristow, OK 74010
Free horse and mule information. Relevant, honest information about training, health, and behavior issues, as well as riding horses.

Visit Replay Classifieds Horses & Equestrian's Facebook Page
P O Box 7291
Southport Park QLD 4215
0411788930 equestrian on-line classified directory and website for all disciplines and breeds. Advertise your horse for sale and search and browse listings easily. Full of up to date equestrian information, an equestrian events calendar, results, and photo galleries. Horse blogs, news, and advice. Advertise your horse or pony, plus gear, horse floats, saddlery, equine properties, and more...

Visit Sarah Martin Dressage Blog's Facebook Page
International dressage expert Sarah Martin gives free tips and advice on riding dressage. She also keeps you updated on her students' progress and where she is teaching next.
1572 Elon Lane
Encinitas, CA 92024
Discover Parelli Natural Horsemanship with Licensed 1 Star Junior Instructor Sarah Merry! Have FUN, be SAFE, have a better RELATIONSHIP,
and get RESULTS with your horse!!!
Show Horse GalleryEncinitas, CA 92024
(760) 815-5519
sarahkmerry@yahoo.comDiscover Parelli Natural Horsemanship with Licensed 1 Star Junior Instructor Sarah Merry! Have FUN, be SAFE, have a better RELATIONSHIP,
and get RESULTS with your horse!!!
A gallery of show horses where a new horse is featured every day. Only the highest quality photographs are selected. Equestrian products are reviewed, and horse related articles added often.
Slow-Express: Horse Drawn Caravan Journey through
Neptunushof 5
5331TS Kerkdriel
Horse-drawn caravan journey from the North Sea until far in the east of Europe. With two horses, two people and a dog. No goal to reach, just a direction to take. Never to know where to sleep that day! On our website we cover all the important subjects, techniques, and all day chores and tasks, especially expressing our wondering about what happens every day.
The best description we ever heard and never forget: "It is a slow drive but there is so much to express!" Horse Blogs5331TS Kerkdriel
Horse-drawn caravan journey from the North Sea until far in the east of Europe. With two horses, two people and a dog. No goal to reach, just a direction to take. Never to know where to sleep that day! On our website we cover all the important subjects, techniques, and all day chores and tasks, especially expressing our wondering about what happens every day.
The best description we ever heard and never forget: "It is a slow drive but there is so much to express!"

Visit Horse Blogs' Facebook Page
4400 Shandwick Drive
Antelope, CA 95843
(916) 560-8004 has rounded up a number of informational and entertaining equine related blogs. Come back often for new blog additions and updates!
Stacy, MN 55079
Cambria Horsemanship combines the methods of Carolyn Resnick (free choice liberty training), Leslie Desmond's Horsemanship Through Feel (using release, not pressure), and J.P. Giacomini (classical dressage through the relax reflex and Endotapping). Through these methods, incredible bridleless and liberty dressage is possible. Shadowfax is more real than you think.
Cambria also works with horses in on camera work, including modeling and acting.
Cambria Horsemanship combines the methods of Carolyn Resnick (free choice liberty training), Leslie Desmond's Horsemanship Through Feel (using release, not pressure), and J.P. Giacomini (classical dressage through the relax reflex and Endotapping). Through these methods, incredible bridleless and liberty dressage is possible. Shadowfax is more real than you think.
Cambria also works with horses in on camera work, including modeling and acting.
Citizen Horse is an online magazine dedicated to providing uncensored information to the horse community. The equestrian community is large, and Citizen Horse is committed to opening the minds of this community to real and honest horsemanship. The uptight hunter, jumper, dressage, and eventing community will never know what hit them with the no fluff, no nonsense writing of Citizen Horse.
Citizen Horse Manifesto
1. Ride Everyday
2. Smile When You Lose
3. Ride Green to get Better
4. Respect ALL Equines
5. Command Respect from ALL Equines
6. Breeding is Only to be Done with Proven Athleticism
7. Wear Dirt, Not Makeup
8. Equipment Cannot Compensate for Riding Skill
9. Your Goals Come Before Your Trainer's
10. Pilot Equines with ZEAL, for You
Dedicated to horse people who strive to better their riding, better their horse knowledge, and remember what riding is all about... the horse.
Citizen Horse Manifesto
1. Ride Everyday
2. Smile When You Lose
3. Ride Green to get Better
4. Respect ALL Equines
5. Command Respect from ALL Equines
6. Breeding is Only to be Done with Proven Athleticism
7. Wear Dirt, Not Makeup
8. Equipment Cannot Compensate for Riding Skill
9. Your Goals Come Before Your Trainer's
10. Pilot Equines with ZEAL, for You
Dedicated to horse people who strive to better their riding, better their horse knowledge, and remember what riding is all about... the horse.