Belgium Horse Directory
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Visit Fat-Stem's Facebook Page
Zonnestraat 3
9300 Aalst Oost-Vlaanderen
+32 53 80 95 90
+32 497 466 504
info@fat-stem.comRegenerative stem cell therapy for orthopedic problems in horses and dogs.
Lindeboomstraat 25 Bus 13
Specialising in hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses up to Grand-Prix level. Quality European Warmblood Sporthorses. Also specialising in training rider and horse up to Grand-Prix level.
Harlekin ArabiansTervuren
wouter@greenfieldstables.comSpecialising in hunters, jumpers, and equitation horses up to Grand-Prix level. Quality European Warmblood Sporthorses. Also specialising in training rider and horse up to Grand-Prix level.
Viseweg 406
3700 Tongeren BE
Hobby breeding farm of coloured part bred Arabians, such as cremello, palomino, and pintabian. Based on proven Arabian lines: Crabbet, Russian, and Egyptian.
At the moment (Nov 2010), we have 3 stallions: 1 cremello, 1 pintabian and 1 buckskin.
We have 12 brood mares.
International Jousting League3700 Tongeren BE
0032 472 404711
0032 477 714442
grundel.roswitha@telenet.beHobby breeding farm of coloured part bred Arabians, such as cremello, palomino, and pintabian. Based on proven Arabian lines: Crabbet, Russian, and Egyptian.
At the moment (Nov 2010), we have 3 stallions: 1 cremello, 1 pintabian and 1 buckskin.
We have 12 brood mares.
- Palomino Breeders and Stallions
- Pinto Breeders and Stallions
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
Rue Doumier 49
4430 Ans
The League was created in 2004 to provide riders with a unique, competitive, and safe environment to fit their passion for historical equestrian sports.
Since then, the League has grown into the largest and most active jousting community in the modern world.
Having successfully sanctioned 21 events in three seasons, the League is now represented in over 15 countries and gathering 130+ affiliates on three continents.
Kentucky Horsewear4430 Ans
internationaljoustingleague@skynet.beThe League was created in 2004 to provide riders with a unique, competitive, and safe environment to fit their passion for historical equestrian sports.
Since then, the League has grown into the largest and most active jousting community in the modern world.
Having successfully sanctioned 21 events in three seasons, the League is now represented in over 15 countries and gathering 130+ affiliates on three continents.

Visit Kentucky Horsewear's Facebook Page
Ommegangstraat 9
9600 Ronse
+32 (0)476 85 49 20
info@kentucky-horsewear.comKentucky - the "must have" brand for protective horse boots across all disciplines (eventing, dressage, showjumping). There is a growing band of top international riders riding, training, and competing in the boots, including international names such as Bettina Hoy, Eiken Sato, Lars Nieberg, and UK event riders Francis Whittington and Laura Collette.
Rue de Bierset N°4
4460 Grâce-Hollogne
Sellerie Lucas is the ideal store for lovers of the equestrian sport. Our range of brands allows beginners to set foot in the stirrup and satisfy all the demands of professionals. Our difference is the quality of the material and of our service; nothing is left to chance. We follow and support you throughout your equestrian career. We understand you because we live the same passion for the horse.
Tolga Brussels SaddleryKara Leylek Stud Van Kasteren4460 Grâce-Hollogne
contact@sellerielucas.comSellerie Lucas is the ideal store for lovers of the equestrian sport. Our range of brands allows beginners to set foot in the stirrup and satisfy all the demands of professionals. Our difference is the quality of the material and of our service; nothing is left to chance. We follow and support you throughout your equestrian career. We understand you because we live the same passion for the horse.
36, rue du Moulin
6860 Léglise-Volaiville
Breeding quality Akhal-Tekes.
Off Border Hill6860 Léglise-Volaiville
akhalteke@hotmail.comBreeding quality Akhal-Tekes.
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