Tachov, Czech Republic Horse Directory
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OLDSTAJ s.r.o.

Visit OLDSTAJ s.r.o.'s Facebook Page
Oldrichov 77
34701 Tachov
00420 602 413 989
00420 725 745 018
oldstaj@oldstaj.czOur company has been operating for more than 20 years in horse business (under a different name), and we have sold more than 1200 horses worldwide during this period. We specialize in purchasing, selling, exchanging and training mainly show-jumping horses, but we can offer eventers, dressage horses, hunters, ponies and hobby horses as well. You can choose among more than 70 mainly Belgian, Dutch, German and Czech horses of some of the best bloodlines at any time. These horses are waiting for you in our modern stables. We also provide a wide range of services related to horse riding, such as stabling, training, and horseshoeing. We can import or export horses for you, i.e. take care of the veterinary and customs documents. We sell the equipment for horses and riders in our shop, including the top horse feed TOPFIT.
So if you are looking for a best horse for the best price, we are here for you!!!
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