Bussière Dunoise, France Horse Directory
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La Chevauchée

9, Les Couperies Basses
23320 BussièRe Dunoise
chevauchee23@hotmail.frLa Chevauchée is a large well maintained family run equestrian farm located in the heart of a tiny hamlet of Creuse (Center of France).
This large family estate will take care of your horse in a safe and quiet environment.
We offer grass/standard/full liveries which may be tailored to meet your specific needs.
If you wish to have a look at the facilities, you are of course welcome to join us and stopover for the weekend or longer, with or without your horse.
We are multilingual, but you are welcome to speak French if you wish.
Family livery for retired or out to stud horses with shelter:
• On 40 hectares of tree-shaded and well-kept meadows, with a stream; leafy undulating landscape, beautiful and peaceful nature and wild-life, ponds and streams. No barbwire, only safe low voltage electric fences. The fields are located around our facilities. Daily supervision and care is therefore easy.
• The hay, special for horses (selected grass, prairie hay: pasture grass and legume hay), is harvested on the property and served in hay racks.
• Salt stones are available.
Liveries for active horses, broodmares, retired and others in spacious stables with daily release into the paddocks.
The horses are supplemented according to their needs, and we pay very close attention to their physical and mental condition. An equine veterinary is available if need be.
Saddle room and 20*40m & 35*70 arenas. Numerous riding circuits start from La Chevauchée.
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