St Yrieix La Perche, France Horse Directory
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Hasker Entreprise
32 Avenue Jean Timbaud
87500 St Yrieix La Perche
00 33 (0)643963408
info@englishsaddlerinfrance.comSaddle fitting and reflocking.
Glenn Hasker has over 30 years' experience in enabling maximum comfort and performance from a saddle for horse and rider. He advises on all brands and types of saddles and can re-flock saddles and repair tack at your yard. Some repairs can be completed "by post". We hold a range of new and secondhand saddles and are able to sell saddles for you on a commission basis. We travel anywhere within the southwest of France and are happy to provide training and/or demonstrations on how to fit a saddle. Glenn also has a wealth of knowledge on bits, so if you have question, give us a call.
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