Greece Horse Directory
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Kos Island idyllic riding provided by Alfa-Horse, the German horseback riding stable.
Varybobi Riding Club
The Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy (GSATRH) is a non-profit organization whose focus and goal is the rehabilitation of handicapped children and adults. Rehabilitation and therapy use the horse as a medium between the child/adult and the therapist.
During a therapeutic session, apart from using up-to-date, recognised techniques of TR and hippotherapy, we incorporate a series of methods applied today in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and speech therapy. These methods and techniques are also used for the most part in the USA as well as in some European countries, Greece included.
Under the daily supervision and guidance of GSATRH's founders (Mr. John Nikolaou, Mr. Nikos Nikolaidis, and Mr. Nikos Polyzos), these techniques are put to practice and implemented by specialized therapists.
The GSATRH is based within the grounds of Varybobi Riding Club (this is the club where therapeutic riding first begin in Greece).
Hellenic Horseback ArcheryAthens
The Greek Scientific Association of Therapeutic Riding and Hippotherapy (GSATRH) is a non-profit organization whose focus and goal is the rehabilitation of handicapped children and adults. Rehabilitation and therapy use the horse as a medium between the child/adult and the therapist.
During a therapeutic session, apart from using up-to-date, recognised techniques of TR and hippotherapy, we incorporate a series of methods applied today in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and speech therapy. These methods and techniques are also used for the most part in the USA as well as in some European countries, Greece included.
Under the daily supervision and guidance of GSATRH's founders (Mr. John Nikolaou, Mr. Nikos Nikolaidis, and Mr. Nikos Polyzos), these techniques are put to practice and implemented by specialized therapists.
The GSATRH is based within the grounds of Varybobi Riding Club (this is the club where therapeutic riding first begin in Greece).
10033 Athens
Greek Horseback Archery Team - "CENTAURS KASSAI".
White PegasusGREECE
horsebackarchers@yahoo.grGreek Horseback Archery Team - "CENTAURS KASSAI".

Visit White Pegasus' Facebook Page
44004 Zagorohoria Ioannina
daphne.whitepegasus@gmail.comWe offer horse trail riding with western tack in the beautiful mountain range of Northern Pindus, in northwestern Greece. We are located in the traditional stone built village of Megalo Papigo, in the heart of the Vikos Aoos National Park. Our trail rides are catered to the riding skills of the clients and vary from 45 min to 7 hour rides to 2-3 day pack/camping rides. Enjoy the fantastic and unique scenery and landscape of the area with the potential of seeing various wildlife in the company of experienced guides. All of our horses are hand picked for the tougher mountain terrain & conditions and have tough hooves (they are barefoot, not shod) and shorter, sturdier frames, and most have been bred, raised, and trained by us. The foals of the current year usually accompany us on our rides as well with their mothers.
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