Roscommon County, Ireland Horse Directory
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Franziska Lienberger Saddlery

Visit Franziska Lienberger Saddlery's Facebook Page
086 3825965
lienberger@gmail.comFranziska Lienberger Saddlery is specialized in producing hand stitched bridles and head collars. We also restore and repair saddles and harnesses. Anything that requires genuine leather with specific requirements. Qualified saddler with 25 years' experience.
Castlerea, Roscommon
An Irish equine website which includes news, a searchable directory of equine websites on all areas of horsemanship, and a gallery.
Bunnageddy Equestrian CentreCastlerea, Roscommon
admin@horseandponycentre.orgAn Irish equine website which includes news, a searchable directory of equine websites on all areas of horsemanship, and a gallery.
Strokestown, Roscommon
State of the art equestrian complex in the beautiful gateway to the west of Ireland. Providing instruction and coaching in English style and western riding. 7000 acres of traffic free trail and trekking with mountain riding. Full livery facilities with indoor and outdoor arenas. Riders instructed from absolute beginners to advanced. Jumping leagues and camps. Hotels and B&B's local.
Facebook: Bunnageddy Equestrian Centre.
All enquirys welcome.
Green Isle JumpsIRELAND
info@bunnageddyequestriancentre.netState of the art equestrian complex in the beautiful gateway to the west of Ireland. Providing instruction and coaching in English style and western riding. 7000 acres of traffic free trail and trekking with mountain riding. Full livery facilities with indoor and outdoor arenas. Riders instructed from absolute beginners to advanced. Jumping leagues and camps. Hotels and B&B's local.
Facebook: Bunnageddy Equestrian Centre.
All enquirys welcome.
Castlerea, Roscommon
Irish manufacturer of quality timber painted and rustic show and working hunter jumps. Single jumps or sets available for all ages and abilities.
admin@greenislejumps.ieIrish manufacturer of quality timber painted and rustic show and working hunter jumps. Single jumps or sets available for all ages and abilities.
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