Europe Horse Directory
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Into the West 2000 Horse Drawn Caravans
Cartron House Farm
Ballinakill, Kylebrack
Loughrea, Co. Galway
Ireland at a walking pace in a horse-drawn caravan! Holiday in Ireland in a horse-drawn caravan and see the real Ireland.
Irish Derby FestivalBallinakill, Kylebrack
Loughrea, Co. Galway
+353 90 974 5211
cartronhouse@hotmail.comIreland at a walking pace in a horse-drawn caravan! Holiday in Ireland in a horse-drawn caravan and see the real Ireland.
A detailed overview of the Irish Derby Festival and its races. Features information on the events, history, winners, results, travel, and tickets, as well as betting tips and live betting odds.
Irish Draught Horse Society - IDHSIrish Horse Drawn Caravan
Ireland at a walking pace in a horse-drawn caravan! Holiday in Ireland in a horse-drawn caravan and see the real Ireland.
Irish Horse Shows & Equestrian
PO Box 7546
Dublin 12,
Irish Horse Shows contains the details of hundreds of equestrian events all over Ireland, from showing to fun rides, showjumping to dressage, and lots more besides!
Irish Horse Society - IHSIshestarDublin 12,
Irish Horse Shows contains the details of hundreds of equestrian events all over Ireland, from showing to fun rides, showjumping to dressage, and lots more besides!

Visit Ishestar's Facebook Page
Sörlaskeið 26
220 Hafnarfjörður
Riding Icelandic horses while enjoying beautiful Icelandic landscapes.
Innerroid 5
5204 Strasswalchen
Reiterhof Burghauser im Land Salzburg, Islandpferde Gestüt und Reitschule, Verkaufspferde, Reiterferien für Kinder und Jugendliche.
Islandpferde Reitsportclub Tirol / Icelandic Horse Club Tyrol5204 Strasswalchen
Reiterhof Burghauser im Land Salzburg, Islandpferde Gestüt und Reitschule, Verkaufspferde, Reiterferien für Kinder und Jugendliche.
- Icelandic Horse Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
Höhe 52
A-6323 Schwoich
A presentation of our horseback riding club in Tyrol featuring a photo gallery, information about courses, and other useful hints concerning Icelandic Horses and Horses in general.
Willkommen auf der Website des Islandpferde Reitsportclubs Tirol. Besuchen Sie unsere Pferde in der Fotogallerie oder informieren Sie sich über Reitmöglichkeiten auf Islandpferden.
Jäneda Hobusekasvanduse OÜA-6323 Schwoich
+43 5372 588 92
+43 664 46 36 711
pferdetirol@usa.netA presentation of our horseback riding club in Tyrol featuring a photo gallery, information about courses, and other useful hints concerning Icelandic Horses and Horses in general.
Willkommen auf der Website des Islandpferde Reitsportclubs Tirol. Besuchen Sie unsere Pferde in der Fotogallerie oder informieren Sie sich über Reitmöglichkeiten auf Islandpferden.
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