Casares, Spain Horse Directory
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Farm with Stables for Horse Livery or Boarding
Finca La Cubatillia
Lugar Monte Duque
29690 Casares Malaga
We offer horse stables and a large paddock area in pure nature, located in Casares on the Costa del Sol in Spain, only 20 minutes from the beach and highway.
Natural Horse LiveryLugar Monte Duque
29690 Casares Malaga
+34 644 293 919
+34 667 969 037
james.laderman@gmail.comWe offer horse stables and a large paddock area in pure nature, located in Casares on the Costa del Sol in Spain, only 20 minutes from the beach and highway.
Espiritu del Viento
Paraje de los Molinos
29690 Casares Malaga
Where your horse is at home, as near to natural as modern living permits. The label on your jodhpurs is not important; the welfare of your horse is. Experienced yard owner. This is a small private yard, registered as a non-profit equestrian sport club. They compete in Endurance, but are not a typical competition yard. High school to happy hacking all welcome.
Whole Horse Protocol - WHPParaje de los Molinos
29690 Casares Malaga
hoofconsultation@espiritu-del-viento.comWhere your horse is at home, as near to natural as modern living permits. The label on your jodhpurs is not important; the welfare of your horse is. Experienced yard owner. This is a small private yard, registered as a non-profit equestrian sport club. They compete in Endurance, but are not a typical competition yard. High school to happy hacking all welcome.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training

Visit Whole Horse Protocol - WHP's Facebook Page
Paraje de los Molinos
29690 Casares Malaga
hoofconsultation@espiritu-del-viento.comBarefoot hoof courses and so much more. As the name implies, to be a professional barefoot trimmer you need to know more than just hooves! Our installations provide services to rehabilitate pathologies (laminitis, founder, navicular, quarter cracks, unexplained lameness, etc) and also in-depth courses for those wishing to make a career from this fast growing ethological equine area.
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