United Kingdom Horse Directory
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International Equine Transport Services - IETS
Los Angeles, CA 90036
International Equine Transport Services (IETS) has been in the horse industry for over 25 years. Its owners and staff have known each other and worked together in the industry for quite some time and share the same dedication in providing the very best in quality, care, and service to our clients and their horses. This has allowed us to set the highest of standards for the horse transportation industry. IETS aims to simplify the shipping process and alleviate stress for owners. IETS knows and understands horses and how to best care for them to ensure that they are safe and well cared for and that they arrive to you in top condition. We pride ourselves on our personal and hands on commitment to service. You will quickly see the difference between our care and service and that of other companies. IETS is based out of Los Angeles with additional offices and quarantine facilities in Houston, Kentucky, New York, and Miami. We schedule weekly international trips.
(209) 918-7041
contact@internationalequinetransport.comInternational Equine Transport Services (IETS) has been in the horse industry for over 25 years. Its owners and staff have known each other and worked together in the industry for quite some time and share the same dedication in providing the very best in quality, care, and service to our clients and their horses. This has allowed us to set the highest of standards for the horse transportation industry. IETS aims to simplify the shipping process and alleviate stress for owners. IETS knows and understands horses and how to best care for them to ensure that they are safe and well cared for and that they arrive to you in top condition. We pride ourselves on our personal and hands on commitment to service. You will quickly see the difference between our care and service and that of other companies. IETS is based out of Los Angeles with additional offices and quarantine facilities in Houston, Kentucky, New York, and Miami. We schedule weekly international trips.
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