United Kingdom Horse Directory
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Horse Sitting & Training
Horse sitting services in Wiltshire and Oxfordshire. I provide professional, experienced equine specialists to take full care of your horses whilst you are away. I have over 22 years of experience, working with horses in a variety of areas, including both competitive and leisure; traditional and natural, ensuring that with this depth of knowledge and basic equine & animal first aid skills, I have the experience to deal with the unexpected. I have been rated as one of the best trainers in the south west. Contact me for availability.
sarahashwell@me.comHorse sitting services in Wiltshire and Oxfordshire. I provide professional, experienced equine specialists to take full care of your horses whilst you are away. I have over 22 years of experience, working with horses in a variety of areas, including both competitive and leisure; traditional and natural, ensuring that with this depth of knowledge and basic equine & animal first aid skills, I have the experience to deal with the unexpected. I have been rated as one of the best trainers in the south west. Contact me for availability.
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