United Kingdom Horse Directory
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Northern Horseboxes
Specialises in supplying the RunStar Horse Shuttle, a 3.5 tonne vehicle, which can carry two 16.2 horses and be driven on a normal license.
Oldefields Equestrian CentreDL1 2PL
01325 460500
enquiry@northernhorseboxes.co.ukSpecialises in supplying the RunStar Horse Shuttle, a 3.5 tonne vehicle, which can carry two 16.2 horses and be driven on a normal license.
Seer Green
Provides horse boarding, grazing, livery or stabling facilities for horse and pony owners at very reasonable costs.
OmniEquineHP9 2QP
01753 663111
sales@oldefields.comProvides horse boarding, grazing, livery or stabling facilities for horse and pony owners at very reasonable costs.
Great Cambourne
CB23 6BA
Horse & rider enlightenment.
OmniEquine is the East Anglian saddle agent for the Fhoenix & Vogue saddle collection designed by Heather Moffett.
OmniEquine is run by Sam Newland, who has also trained with Heather Moffett to achieve her Enlightened Equitation Riding Instructors qualification.
CB23 6BA
07531 472408
info@omniequine.co.ukHorse & rider enlightenment.
OmniEquine is the East Anglian saddle agent for the Fhoenix & Vogue saddle collection designed by Heather Moffett.
OmniEquine is run by Sam Newland, who has also trained with Heather Moffett to achieve her Enlightened Equitation Riding Instructors qualification.
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