United Kingdom Horse Directory
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Raygill Horse Riding Centre
Barnard Castle
LS17 8PZ
Raygill offer UK horse riding holidays and BHS approved horse riding instruction in the beautiful Teesdale countryside. Beginners and experienced riders welcome. Activities are tailoured to the rider's ability, culminating in a show with jumping.
Red Valley Miniature Horse FarmLS17 8PZ
01833 690118
07703 338 006
matt@bindoff.co.ukRaygill offer UK horse riding holidays and BHS approved horse riding instruction in the beautiful Teesdale countryside. Beginners and experienced riders welcome. Activities are tailoured to the rider's ability, culminating in a show with jumping.
07979 482837
info@american-miniature-horses-uk.comBreeders of registered American Miniature Horses - AMHA.
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