North America Horse Directory
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Visit American Quarter Horse Association - AQHA's Facebook Page
1600 Quarter Horse Drive
Amarillo, TX 79104
(806) 376-4811

Visit Farmer's Pal - Feed & Grain Directory's Facebook Page
A comprehensive online directory that categorizes information from an abundance of organic, sustainable, and local family farm businesses by region, state, and county.

Visit Farmer's Pal - Hay Directory's Facebook Page
A comprehensive online directory that categorizes information from an abundance of organic, sustainable, and local family farm businesses by region, state, and county.

Regional horseback riding directory showing website links, locations, and categories.

Visit Houghton College Equestrian Center's Facebook Page
9823 School Farm Rd
Houghton, NY 14744
(585) 567-8142
Mission: To equip students with knowledge in classical horsemanship (encompassing theory, philosophy, riding, the teaching of riding, and horse care) and to cultivate Christ-like character, enabling them to become effective servant-scholars.
- Equestrian Colleges
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Summer Horse Riding Camps

Visit United States Dressage Federation - USDF's Facebook Page
4051 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
(859) 971-2277
The official site for the United States Dressage Federation.

Founded in 1975 by US Equestrian Team Members, Dover Saddlery is a leading purveyor of quality English horse tack, horse supplies and riding apparel for horse and rider at any level of competition.
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- Art (113/4)
- Breeds (2/101)
- Career (15/8)
- Christian Community (222/1)
- Computers and Internet (1/11)
- Equestrian Sports (0/42)
- Events (62/2)
- Kids (4/3)
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- O Horse! Classifieds (0/4)
- Organizations (61/11)
- Reference (9/6)
- Services (23/34)
- Shopping (6/48)
- Stables and Horse Farms (7774/25)
- User Profiles (13/0)
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