Canada Horse Directory
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American Saddlebred Horse Association of Canada, The - ASHACAPHA Zone 1 Coordinating CommitteeAppaloosa Horse Club of Canada - ApHCCCanadian Arabian Horse Guide
Your guide to the Arabian horse in Canada. Listings for farms, clubs and registries across the country.
Canadian Arabian Horse Registry - CAHRYour guide to the Arabian horse in Canada. Listings for farms, clubs and registries across the country.

Visit Canadian Arabian Horse Registry - CAHR's Facebook Page
Your Canadian connection to the Arabian horse!
Box 2032
Athabasca AB T9S 2B6
We are proud to announce an exciting association for the breeders and owners of Friesian horses, Friesian Sporthorses and Arabo Friesians in Canada. The registry will strive to assist Canadian breeders, owners, and Friesian enthusiasts to access affordable professional advice and services in order to breed, register, evaluate, and award these magnificent animals in accordance with the breeding standards and rules of their mother studbooks and the Canadian Animal Pedigree Act.
Canadian Hackney SocietyAthabasca AB T9S 2B6
(780) 675-5927
info@canadianfriesianhorse.caWe are proud to announce an exciting association for the breeders and owners of Friesian horses, Friesian Sporthorses and Arabo Friesians in Canada. The registry will strive to assist Canadian breeders, owners, and Friesian enthusiasts to access affordable professional advice and services in order to breed, register, evaluate, and award these magnificent animals in accordance with the breeding standards and rules of their mother studbooks and the Canadian Animal Pedigree Act.
The Canadian Hackney Society is a free web site to promote both the Hackney Horse and Pony.
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