Athabasca, Alberta Horse Directory
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Whispering Hills Friesians
Box 2032
Athabasca AB T9S 2B6
Whispering Hills Friesians is the home of the CFHA/FPZV approved Friesian stallion Donius W. We are dedicated to breeding quality Friesians and Friesian Sporthorses. We currently have several purebred Friesians out of ster mares and Friesian Sporthorses out of carefully chosen Thoroughbred and Warmblood mares for sale. The Donius offspring are intelligent, willing, and friendly with balanced, correct conformation and lovely athletic movement. Please check out our web site for more information and pictures.
Athabasca AB T9S 2B6
(780) 675-3162
ldboyer@xplornet.ocmWhispering Hills Friesians is the home of the CFHA/FPZV approved Friesian stallion Donius W. We are dedicated to breeding quality Friesians and Friesian Sporthorses. We currently have several purebred Friesians out of ster mares and Friesian Sporthorses out of carefully chosen Thoroughbred and Warmblood mares for sale. The Donius offspring are intelligent, willing, and friendly with balanced, correct conformation and lovely athletic movement. Please check out our web site for more information and pictures.
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