Calgary, Alberta Horse Directory
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Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association, The - AQHRA
Suite 602, 5920 1A St SW
Calgary AB T2H 0G3
The Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association promotes race horse breeding and ownership along with race track development for racing Quarter Horses in Alberta, Canada.
Alpha Natural HorsemanshipCalgary AB T2H 0G3
(403) 543-8953
The Alberta Quarter Horse Racing Association promotes race horse breeding and ownership along with race track development for racing Quarter Horses in Alberta, Canada.
2732 Oakmoor Drive SW
Calgary AB T2V3Z2
I offer the following services:
I am a trainer using Natural Horsemanship methods with 35 years' hands on experience; reliable, insured, and with references offering the following training services for all breeds:
• Evaluation – Training or Pre-purchase
• Horse Training
• Semi Private Group Instruction
• Problem Solving
• Educate the Owner – U Train your horse DIY
• Clinic – Foundation Training
• Clinic – Ground to Saddle Training Putting it all together
• Horse Training Tips – Free
Appaloosa Horse Association of Alberta - AHAACalgary AB T2V3Z2
I offer the following services:
I am a trainer using Natural Horsemanship methods with 35 years' hands on experience; reliable, insured, and with references offering the following training services for all breeds:
• Evaluation – Training or Pre-purchase
• Horse Training
• Semi Private Group Instruction
• Problem Solving
• Educate the Owner – U Train your horse DIY
• Clinic – Foundation Training
• Clinic – Ground to Saddle Training Putting it all together
• Horse Training Tips – Free
Suite 227, #135
250 Shawville Blvd SE
Calgary AB T2Y 2Z7
We are totally dedicated to the Appaloosa Horse. We offer recognition, education, promotion, encouragement of youth, and maximizing members' enjoyment of the Appaloosa horse.
Jay OJay Horsemanship250 Shawville Blvd SE
Calgary AB T2Y 2Z7
We are totally dedicated to the Appaloosa Horse. We offer recognition, education, promotion, encouragement of youth, and maximizing members' enjoyment of the Appaloosa horse.
683 10th St SW
Calgary AB T2P5G3
Jay O'Jay Horsemanship provides online horse training including DVD videos and courses. An online western tack store is also available.
Kestrel Ridge FarmCalgary AB T2P5G3
info@jayojay.comJay O'Jay Horsemanship provides online horse training including DVD videos and courses. An online western tack store is also available.
242002 Range Road 32
Calgary AB T3Z 3L4
Boarding and training facility in Alberta, Canada. Kestrel Ridge Farm is a state of the art equestrian facility owned by Julia Vysniauskas and her husband. Kestrel Ridge is a private facility located in the Springbank area on 160 acres of beautiful parkland bordering the Elbow River.
Ludwig EquestrianCalgary AB T3Z 3L4
(403) 242-9110
krfinfo@kestrelridgefarm.comBoarding and training facility in Alberta, Canada. Kestrel Ridge Farm is a state of the art equestrian facility owned by Julia Vysniauskas and her husband. Kestrel Ridge is a private facility located in the Springbank area on 160 acres of beautiful parkland bordering the Elbow River.

Visit Ludwig Equestrian's Facebook Page
Calgary AB
(403) 554-8238
ludwigequestrian@gmail.comLudwig Equestrian is a premier boarding stable located conveniently outside the hamlet of Priddis, near Calgary. Our knowledgeable staff, beautiful facilities, non-competitive adult atmosphere, and passion for horses make Ludwig Equestrian the perfect place for your equine to call home!
#429, 3553 - 31 Street NW
Calgary AB T2L 2K7
Quarantine facility for import and export horses, located just minutes from Calgary International Airport. We offer a complete line of services related to shipping horses between Canada and Europe. Service in English and German.
Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies - TRCRCalgary AB T2L 2K7
(403) 663-0451
info@QuadrigaQuarantine.caQuarantine facility for import and export horses, located just minutes from Calgary International Airport. We offer a complete line of services related to shipping horses between Canada and Europe. Service in English and German.
Box 6742 Station D
Calgary AB T2P 2E6
Since 1923, the nonprofit Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has been organizing horseback trail rides into the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
Spruce MeadowsAlpha Natural HorsemanshipCalgary AB T2P 2E6
Since 1923, the nonprofit Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has been organizing horseback trail rides into the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
Calgary AB T2V3Z2
Located in Calgary, I will travel to your location and start horses with Natural Horsemanship methods. Owner participation, including a watchful eye, is encouraged and highly recommended. I use a gentle approach, and the objective of the training is to end up with a safe, calm, dependable horse that will willingly do what we ask it to do, when we ask it to do it. I believe in establishing a solid foundation on a horse; like the foundation under a house, it must be solid and correct and is essential to avoid riding problems. It also helps in solving difficulties should they arise. A solid foundation includes softness in all movements of a horse. I start horses from the ground up. Ground training and round pen work prepares a horse for work under saddle by teaching them to relax and to respond when pressure is applied. The result is a horse that is a willing partner.
Located in Calgary, I will travel to your location and start horses with Natural Horsemanship methods. Owner participation, including a watchful eye, is encouraged and highly recommended. I use a gentle approach, and the objective of the training is to end up with a safe, calm, dependable horse that will willingly do what we ask it to do, when we ask it to do it. I believe in establishing a solid foundation on a horse; like the foundation under a house, it must be solid and correct and is essential to avoid riding problems. It also helps in solving difficulties should they arise. A solid foundation includes softness in all movements of a horse. I start horses from the ground up. Ground training and round pen work prepares a horse for work under saddle by teaching them to relax and to respond when pressure is applied. The result is a horse that is a willing partner.
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