Surrey, British Columbia Horse Directory
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Prairie Woods - Yvonne Longauer

Visit Prairie Woods - Yvonne Longauer's Facebook Page
18360 16th Ave
Surrey, BC V3S 5J9
(604) 314-9191
(604) 200-8525
prairiewoods@yahoo.comTrains, shows, breeds, and sells Arabian and Warmblood horses.
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Saddleseat Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
Surrey BC V3S 3M2
We are horse bedding specialists!
Manufacturer & distributor of WoodyPet brand animal bedding, pet litter and wood shavings; MBC Magnum horse bedding, Fine Tines Forks, StableComfort stall floor systems, Northern Lights wood pellet fuel, and much more.
Available across the USA and Canada; and in several other countries. Please visit our website for full details.
(888) 535-9816
(604) 533-1399
sales@woodypet.comWe are horse bedding specialists!
Manufacturer & distributor of WoodyPet brand animal bedding, pet litter and wood shavings; MBC Magnum horse bedding, Fine Tines Forks, StableComfort stall floor systems, Northern Lights wood pellet fuel, and much more.
Available across the USA and Canada; and in several other countries. Please visit our website for full details.
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