Newfoundland and Labrador Horse Directory
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509 Marine Drive
Logy Bay
St John's NL A1K 3E5
A retailer of products for the horse & rider.
Willadell StableLogy Bay
St John's NL A1K 3E5
A retailer of products for the horse & rider.
Goulds NL
Willadell is a 3rd generation family run farm located on the East Coast of Newfoundland in beautiful Goulds. In 2009, we went from dairy farming to horse boarding and are happy to use our experience and dedication to ensure only top quality care for your horse.
(709) 368-3255
mel7900@yahoo.caWilladell is a 3rd generation family run farm located on the East Coast of Newfoundland in beautiful Goulds. In 2009, we went from dairy farming to horse boarding and are happy to use our experience and dedication to ensure only top quality care for your horse.
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