Chesley, Ontario Horse Directory
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Barnett Farrier Services
Chesley ON N0G 1L0
Competitive farrier and blacksmith, handmade shoes, hot/cold shoeing, and trimming.
Chesley Horse Farm and
Competitive farrier and blacksmith, handmade shoes, hot/cold shoeing, and trimming.
Chesley ON N0G 1L0
We sell english and western horse tack at affordable prices. We have Western saddles, English saddles, and Western and English bridles with reins. We also have a small family run boarding farm.
(519) 363-5879
info@chesleyequestrian.comWe sell english and western horse tack at affordable prices. We have Western saddles, English saddles, and Western and English bridles with reins. We also have a small family run boarding farm.
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