Fenwick, Ontario Horse Directory
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BNR Stables
2250 Balfour Street
RR 3
Fenwick ON L0S 1C0
Welcome to B 'N' R Stables. We offer a unique horsemanship program in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We are dedicated to providing a safe environment, quality instruction and education both on and off the horse.
Snuggy Hoods CanadaRR 3
Fenwick ON L0S 1C0
(905) 892-7433
Welcome to B 'N' R Stables. We offer a unique horsemanship program in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We are dedicated to providing a safe environment, quality instruction and education both on and off the horse.

Visit Snuggy Hoods Canada's Facebook Page
2250 Balfour St. RR#3
Fenwick ON L0S 1C0
(905) 892-7433
snuggyhoodscanada@gmail.comCanada's Exclusive distributor of Snuggy Hoods - The World's BEST hoods, rugs and matching accessories for horse, pony, rider and dog.
Fenwick ON L0S 1C0
In the heart of Niagara!
(905) 892-3478
In the heart of Niagara!
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