Uxbridge, Ontario Horse Directory
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Todd Owens

Horseman's Word Ranch
6900 Concession 6
Uxbridge ON L9P 1R1
(416) 618-7517
ToddOwens@bell.netTrailer your horse to the Horseman's Word Ranch in Uxbridge and have your lesson in an environment designed for learning. Our facility has 30 acres of Parelli playground, all the Parelli obstacles, large spring water ponds for your horses to swim in, woods to trail ride, and our newest features: a Parelli honeycomb and our new classroom with a vault of Parelli educational material!
We can visit your facility by arrangement.
6900 Concession 6
Uxbridge ON L9P 1R1
Licensed Parelli Professional.
Maureen OwensUxbridge ON L9P 1R1
(416) 618-7517
Licensed Parelli Professional.
Uxbridge ON L9P 1R1
Trailer your horse to the Horseman's Word Ranch in Uxbridge and have your lesson in an environment designed for learning. Our facility has 30 acres of Parelli playground, all the Parelli obstacles, large spring water ponds for your horses to swim in, woods to trail ride, and our newest features: a Parelli honeycomb and our new classroom with a vault of Parelli educational material!
We can visit your facility by arrangement.
(416) 618-7517
maureenowens@bell.netTrailer your horse to the Horseman's Word Ranch in Uxbridge and have your lesson in an environment designed for learning. Our facility has 30 acres of Parelli playground, all the Parelli obstacles, large spring water ponds for your horses to swim in, woods to trail ride, and our newest features: a Parelli honeycomb and our new classroom with a vault of Parelli educational material!
We can visit your facility by arrangement.
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