Canada Horse Directory
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Teepee Heart Ranch

Visit Teepee Heart Ranch's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 6
7800 Farwell Canyon Road
Big Creek BC V0L 1K0
(778) 373-8794
(778) 552-0304

Visit Tender Loving Horse Care's Facebook Page
Inspirational information about horses, horse care, horse pictures, gentle horse training and horse books. My journey towards practicing natural horse hoof care and more!

Visit The Mane Event's Facebook Page
Unit 468
230 - 1210 Summit Drive
Kamloops BC V2C 5L2
(250) 578-7518
info@maneeventexpo.comOver 100 hours of equine education. Clinics, demos, and presentations on Reining, Driving, Jumping, Barrel Racing, Horsemanship, Colt Starting, Dressage, Cow Work, Western Dressage, and More. Visit website for details, a schedule of events, and bios of the clinicians.
Armstrong BC
British Columbia breeders of Yorkshire Terriers and Quarter Horses.
Thunderstruck RanchTime Flies Equine Photography(250) 546-3644
countrie_girl56@yahoo.comBritish Columbia breeders of Yorkshire Terriers and Quarter Horses.
PO Box 5165
3127 Sandhills Road
Baden ON N3A 4J3
Quality, affordable photography of your horse or pony. Available for horse shows and farm visits. Grassroots specials for unaffiliated shows and pony club events. Show jumping a specialty. Visit website to view online portfolio.
Toby Creek Outfitters Ltd.Todd Owens3127 Sandhills Road
Baden ON N3A 4J3
(519) 634-8661
tymflys@yahoo.comQuality, affordable photography of your horse or pony. Available for horse shows and farm visits. Grassroots specials for unaffiliated shows and pony club events. Show jumping a specialty. Visit website to view online portfolio.

Horseman's Word Ranch
6900 Concession 6
Uxbridge ON L9P 1R1
(416) 618-7517
ToddOwens@bell.netTrailer your horse to the Horseman's Word Ranch in Uxbridge and have your lesson in an environment designed for learning. Our facility has 30 acres of Parelli playground, all the Parelli obstacles, large spring water ponds for your horses to swim in, woods to trail ride, and our newest features: a Parelli honeycomb and our new classroom with a vault of Parelli educational material!
We can visit your facility by arrangement.
Iris Marenbach
401 Ashton Cooke Rd
Enderby BC V0E 1V5
Breeding farm for purebred Icelandic Horses in Canada. Always a good variety of Icelandic Horses for sale.
We also offer riding lessons, clinics and tack.
With around 80 horses on the farm, good chances are you'll find the horse of your dreams right here... and tolt away.
Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies - TRCR401 Ashton Cooke Rd
Enderby BC V0E 1V5
(250) 838-0234
info@toltaway.comBreeding farm for purebred Icelandic Horses in Canada. Always a good variety of Icelandic Horses for sale.
We also offer riding lessons, clinics and tack.
With around 80 horses on the farm, good chances are you'll find the horse of your dreams right here... and tolt away.
Box 6742 Station D
Calgary AB T2P 2E6
Since 1923, the nonprofit Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has been organizing horseback trail rides into the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
Calgary AB T2P 2E6
Since 1923, the nonprofit Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies has been organizing horseback trail rides into the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies.
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