Canada Horse Directory
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Willow Lane Ranch
Willow Lane Ranch, 1.5 hours south of Calgary International Airport; a working cattle and horse guest ranch on the doorstep of Alberta Canada's Rocky Mountains.
Willow Ridge Stables / Willow Ridge Pony
Saskatoon SK S7K 3J8
Multidisciplinary equestrian facility in Saskatoon, SK. Riding instruction in western and English, including jumping, dressage, pony club, and polo. Horses boarded indoors or outdoors. Large heated indoor arena, outdoor track, and Saskatchewan's only polo field.
Winding Road Horse TrainingSaskatoon SK S7K 3J8
(306) 373-4317
Multidisciplinary equestrian facility in Saskatoon, SK. Riding instruction in western and English, including jumping, dressage, pony club, and polo. Horses boarded indoors or outdoors. Large heated indoor arena, outdoor track, and Saskatchewan's only polo field.
Streamstown AB
Here at Winding Road Horse Training, our focus is on colt starting / foundation training, giving lessons for you and your horse, clinics, and selling ranch / recreational horses.
Windsong Horse & Carriage(780) 847-3498
stephen@windingroadhorsetraining.comHere at Winding Road Horse Training, our focus is on colt starting / foundation training, giving lessons for you and your horse, clinics, and selling ranch / recreational horses.
R.R. 1
Bognor ON N0H 1E0
Wit's End FarmsBognor ON N0H 1E0
(519) 376-1518
(519) 378-8405
Mt Lehman
Harris Road
Abbotsford BC V4W 5P6
Up to 40 acres available for pasture boarding in spring/summer 2010.
This is a horse's haven - lots of cover and plenty of water and grass!
Let your horse be a HORSE!
Only $ 150.00 per month (as of Feb 2010).
Every horse/mule on this property will be in "horse heaven".
Our acreage is located surrounding the Matsqui Trail in Abbotsford just north of Harris Road off Mt. Pleasant.
Let your horse act like a HORSE!
Wits End Equestrian CentreHarris Road
Abbotsford BC V4W 5P6
(604) 512-1405
dpelegrin@talltech.comUp to 40 acres available for pasture boarding in spring/summer 2010.
This is a horse's haven - lots of cover and plenty of water and grass!
Let your horse be a HORSE!
Only $ 150.00 per month (as of Feb 2010).
Every horse/mule on this property will be in "horse heaven".
Our acreage is located surrounding the Matsqui Trail in Abbotsford just north of Harris Road off Mt. Pleasant.
Let your horse act like a HORSE!

Visit Wits End Equestrian Centre's Facebook Page
2171 McCracken's Landing Rd
R.R. 2
Lakefield ON K0L 2H0
(705) 772-6341
witsendfarm@gmail.comInternational summer camp all about horses that is welcome to youth from all over the world.
You will meet fellow horse lovers, do lots of riding, and improve your skills. You will also have the chance to visit some tourist attractions in Ontario.
It's a great setting. Maximum group size is 10. Very comfortable family atmosphere. Close to a lake. When you are not riding and looking after your horse, there is music, art, and film making. Riding options for beginners to advanced. Polo, dressage, jumping, trail rides, and mounted games.
1221 Concession 6 Woodhouse
Simcoe ON N3Y 4K4
Horse Boarding - Full/Self/Outdoor. Quiet, clean horse farm located minutes from Simcoe/Waterford, Ontario.
- Well ventilated and insulated barn
- Large, 12x12 and 12x10 stalls with rubber mats, lights, & opening windows
- Large centre aisle with rubber matting and cross ties in several places
- Lighted wash bay with rubber matting and hot & cold water
- 66x130 indoor, lighted arena, accessed thru barn
- 6+ grass paddocks for turnouts (small groups or individual)
- Fenced, outdoor sand ring
- Someone on site 24/7
- Secure property with perimeter fence around whole property with gates at driveway
- Secure, heated tack room
- Indoor, heated washroom
- Smaller number of horses boarded = lots of available times for arena use and more attention for the horses
WorkWize MorgansYOR AppaloosaSimcoe ON N3Y 4K4
(519) 755-5977
(519) 443-8117
info@woodhousehollow.comHorse Boarding - Full/Self/Outdoor. Quiet, clean horse farm located minutes from Simcoe/Waterford, Ontario.
- Well ventilated and insulated barn
- Large, 12x12 and 12x10 stalls with rubber mats, lights, & opening windows
- Large centre aisle with rubber matting and cross ties in several places
- Lighted wash bay with rubber matting and hot & cold water
- 66x130 indoor, lighted arena, accessed thru barn
- 6+ grass paddocks for turnouts (small groups or individual)
- Fenced, outdoor sand ring
- Someone on site 24/7
- Secure property with perimeter fence around whole property with gates at driveway
- Secure, heated tack room
- Indoor, heated washroom
- Smaller number of horses boarded = lots of available times for arena use and more attention for the horses
PO Box 283
Asquith SK S0K 0J0
Colorful reining, working cow horses, and cutters in western Canada. We have raised World Champions and countless National Champions in these events and welcome your visit to our website.
Asquith SK S0K 0J0
(306) 329-8600
appaloosa@yourlink.caColorful reining, working cow horses, and cutters in western Canada. We have raised World Champions and countless National Champions in these events and welcome your visit to our website.
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