Quebec Horse Directory
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Association Paint Horse du Québec - APHQAssociation Québécoise Quarter Horse - AQQH / Quebec Quarter Horse Association

Visit Association Québécoise Quarter Horse - AQQH / Quebec Quarter Horse Association's Facebook Page
L'Association Québécoise Quarter Horse a 30 ans d'existence; elle regroupe près de 800 membres éleveurs, compétiteurs et amants de chevaux de race Quarter Horse.
C.P. 722
St-Lazare QC J7T 2Z7
The Club Équestre les Forestiers was founded in 1990. Its goal is to maintain and develop the equestrian trails in the Saint-Lazare area.
Dressage QuebecFreedom AcresGoodtyme StablesHeritage ExportSt-Lazare QC J7T 2Z7
(450) 510-1899
lecef@ca.inter.netThe Club Équestre les Forestiers was founded in 1990. Its goal is to maintain and develop the equestrian trails in the Saint-Lazare area.
970 Chapman
Ancienne Lorette QC G2E 5Y3
We are wholesaler of hay & straw, wood shavings, and wood logs. We would like to serve you! We have nice timothy hay from the Quebec City region, different kinds of pine wood shavings from Georgia & Maine, spruce and pine from Quebec, a fine blend from South Carolina, and bio firelogs from different places. We have 10 years of experience and have many satisfied customers. For a price and delivery, please give us your zip code.
HorseGuard CanadaAncienne Lorette QC G2E 5Y3
(418) 877-5999
steveroy@heritageexport.comWe are wholesaler of hay & straw, wood shavings, and wood logs. We would like to serve you! We have nice timothy hay from the Quebec City region, different kinds of pine wood shavings from Georgia & Maine, spruce and pine from Quebec, a fine blend from South Carolina, and bio firelogs from different places. We have 10 years of experience and have many satisfied customers. For a price and delivery, please give us your zip code.
Electric fence for horses: special Bi-Polar tape for dry or snowy countries.
Les Harnais du QuébecElectric fence for horses: special Bi-Polar tape for dry or snowy countries.
363, Rang des Pointes
Ste-Sophie QC G0P 1L0
Manufacturier de harnais pour chevaux lourd et léger fait sur mesure au goût du client.
Les Minis JimmySte-Sophie QC G0P 1L0
(819) 362-3593
(888) 462-3593
info@harnaisduquebec.comManufacturier de harnais pour chevaux lourd et léger fait sur mesure au goût du client.
255 Chemin de la Presqu'île
Le Gardeur QC J6A 5H6
Breeders of miniature pinto horses. Situated in Quebec, Canada, we have imported magnificent high quality miniature horses from the USA. We have looked for perfect conformation and color for our breeding stallions and our mares. They have impeccable pedigrees and double registration - AMHA and AMHR.
Miniature horses for sale. Stud services.
Our site is bilingual - French and English.
Le Gardeur QC J6A 5H6
(514) 688-8253
info@lesminisjimmy.comBreeders of miniature pinto horses. Situated in Quebec, Canada, we have imported magnificent high quality miniature horses from the USA. We have looked for perfect conformation and color for our breeding stallions and our mares. They have impeccable pedigrees and double registration - AMHA and AMHR.
Miniature horses for sale. Stud services.
Our site is bilingual - French and English.
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