North America Horse Directory
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Little Pine Creek
Little Pine Creek Missouri Fox Trotters is a breeder of quality Missouri Foxtrotters in the Ozarks. We have some fine horses for sale. Send an horse photo greeting card to a friend.
Little Piney RanchLittle Red Barn at J & R
830 Eliza Jordan N
Mobile, AL 36608
Non-profit organization that provides equine therapy to all ages and abilities. Also provides horse riding lessons, horse training, and boarding.
Little River Wood Products, IncMobile, AL 36608
(251) 455-6752
littleredbarn2013@gmail.comNon-profit organization that provides equine therapy to all ages and abilities. Also provides horse riding lessons, horse training, and boarding.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Therapeutic Riding Stables
- Christian Community
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
1240 Middle Rd
Arcadia, WI 54612
Bagged or bulk horse bedding - aspen and pine - delivered or picked up.
Little Sky Riding Trails, Inc.Arcadia, WI 54612
(608) 323-2445
info@littleriverwoodproductsBagged or bulk horse bedding - aspen and pine - delivered or picked up.
71245 Jasper Rd
Freeport, OH 43973
Live and Let Live FarmFreeport, OH 43973
(740) 489-9067
20 Paradise Lane
Chichester, NH 03258
Our mission at Live and Let Live Farm is to rescue abused and unwanted animals, rehabilitate and/or retrain them, and find them appropriate homes. We are a no-kill shelter. We specialize in equines.
Lively's LiveryLivestock InternationalChichester, NH 03258
(603) 798-5615
info@liveandletlivefarm.orgOur mission at Live and Let Live Farm is to rescue abused and unwanted animals, rehabilitate and/or retrain them, and find them appropriate homes. We are a no-kill shelter. We specialize in equines.
8810 NW 24th Terrace
Doral, Fl 33172
International horse transport available.
Livestock Removal ServiceDoral, Fl 33172
(786) 361-6166
(305) 273-4403
info@livestockintl.comInternational horse transport available.
P.O. Box 193
Josephine, TX 75164
Removal of deceased large animals in Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Discreet and reliable 24/7 service. State licensed.
Livin' the Dream FarmJosephine, TX 75164
(972) 843-8073
Removal of deceased large animals in Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Discreet and reliable 24/7 service. State licensed.
1945 Ashton Lake Road
Burgaw, NC 28425
Small private barn - full and pasture board. Grain twice a day. Hot/Cold indoor wash rack. Turn out daily. Pasture boarders have outside stalls. 9 acres, safe fencing, lots of trails. Round pen & tack room. Worming, vaccinations & farrier arranged.
Burgaw, NC 28425
(910) 471-5215
horsnrnd@bellsouth.netSmall private barn - full and pasture board. Grain twice a day. Hot/Cold indoor wash rack. Turn out daily. Pasture boarders have outside stalls. 9 acres, safe fencing, lots of trails. Round pen & tack room. Worming, vaccinations & farrier arranged.
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