North America Horse Directory
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Loudoun Hunt Pony Club
The Loudoun Hunt Pony Club is based in Loudoun County, Virginia. As a part of the United States Pony Club, our goal is to provide young people the opportunity to learn about horses in a safe and fun environment and to develop the skills to allow them to be capable horsemen.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding FoundationLouisa Barns & Buildings
16031 Hopeful Church Road
Bumpass, VA 23024
Custom barns and pole & post frame buildings in a Lake Tahoe style construction.
Louisiana American Saddlebred Horse Association - LASHALouisiana Farm and Ranch Real EstateBumpass, VA 23024
(804) 690-2377
thad@louisabarns.comCustom barns and pole & post frame buildings in a Lake Tahoe style construction.
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Louisiana. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
Louisiana Quarter Horse Association - LQHALouisiana State Appaloosa Club - LSACLouisiana Veterinary Medical Association -
8550 United Plaza Blvd, Suite 1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Louisville Horse TramsBaton Rouge, LA 70809
(800) 524-2996
(225) 928-5862
Louisville, KY
Rhe carriage ride of dreams. Tourist or chartered rides for 2 to 100. Tour downtown Louisville, Kentucky, in a horse and buggy. Or have a romantic carriage ride for the bride and groom or the whole wedding party.
Love Lane Therapeutic Riding(502) 581-0100
(502) 741-4690
Rhe carriage ride of dreams. Tourist or chartered rides for 2 to 100. Tour downtown Louisville, Kentucky, in a horse and buggy. Or have a romantic carriage ride for the bride and groom or the whole wedding party.
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