North America Horse Directory
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Miller's Cream Draft Horses
15022 Beyers Ln
Grass Valley, CA 95949
We provide information on the American Cream Draft horse. There are approximately 310 in existence as of May 2004. Rare and unique breed found only in the United States.
Millhaven Horse FarmGrass Valley, CA 95949
(530) 477-7687
donna@millerscreamdraft.comWe provide information on the American Cream Draft horse. There are approximately 310 in existence as of May 2004. Rare and unique breed found only in the United States.
5830 Rolling Drive
Derwood, MD 20855
Superior, 24/7 full board horse care in Montgomery County, MD near Olney, Rockville, Washington, D.C. Indoor arena, lighted outdoor. Farm backs to parkland. Friendly boarders, relaxed atmosphere. Excellent instruction available in all disciplines.
Millican Show HorsesDerwood, MD 20855
(301) 963-0630
(301) 670-6981
info@millhavenhorsefarm.comSuperior, 24/7 full board horse care in Montgomery County, MD near Olney, Rockville, Washington, D.C. Indoor arena, lighted outdoor. Farm backs to parkland. Friendly boarders, relaxed atmosphere. Excellent instruction available in all disciplines.
Burleson, TX
AQHA breeding farm specializing in raising, selling and promoting world-class western pleasure prospects capable of winning futurities with the qualities to continue in youth and amateur all-around competition.
Millpoint Farm(817) 447-7776
AQHA breeding farm specializing in raising, selling and promoting world-class western pleasure prospects capable of winning futurities with the qualities to continue in youth and amateur all-around competition.
8714 Springs Road
Warrenton, VA 20186
Full service hunter-jumper-equitation farm in Warrenton, VA. Facilities include: large stalls and private grass turn out, two hundred acres of trails, outside course with all natural jumps, and a large ring with all weather footing and quality horse show jumps.
Millstone Miniature Horse FarmWarrenton, VA 20186
(540) 347-6689
colleen@millpointfarms.netFull service hunter-jumper-equitation farm in Warrenton, VA. Facilities include: large stalls and private grass turn out, two hundred acres of trails, outside course with all natural jumps, and a large ring with all weather footing and quality horse show jumps.
- Welsh Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
P.O. Box 654
Northport, NY 11768
Long Island's premier breeder of Refined, Arabian type Miniature Horses.
Millstream Horse LaundryNorthport, NY 11768
(631) 921-0628
Millstone3@aol.comLong Island's premier breeder of Refined, Arabian type Miniature Horses.
1304 North Front Street
McHenry, IL 60083
Horse Laundry Services
Drop off at Millstream or use our free pickup/delivery for all orders in Illinois - McHenry & Lake counties, in Wisconsin - Walworth & Kenosha counties. We wash blankets, coolers, sheets, and saddle pads in a mild non-allergenic detergent. We will then air dry, inspect, fold, and bag them for you. Waterproofing and blanket repair also offered.
Drop off: 1304 North Front Street in McHenry, IL, at Millstream Coin Wash. Call 815-385-2063 for hours.
Pickup/Deliver: (3 items minimum), call Joe to schedule 815-307-4814.
Mindful Healing Veterinary Care, PLLCMcHenry, IL 60083
(815) 385-2063
(815) 307-4814
millstreamhorselaundry@yahoo.comHorse Laundry Services
Drop off at Millstream or use our free pickup/delivery for all orders in Illinois - McHenry & Lake counties, in Wisconsin - Walworth & Kenosha counties. We wash blankets, coolers, sheets, and saddle pads in a mild non-allergenic detergent. We will then air dry, inspect, fold, and bag them for you. Waterproofing and blanket repair also offered.
Drop off: 1304 North Front Street in McHenry, IL, at Millstream Coin Wash. Call 815-385-2063 for hours.
Pickup/Deliver: (3 items minimum), call Joe to schedule 815-307-4814.

Visit Mindful Healing Veterinary Care, PLLC's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 2858
Redmond, WA 98073
(425) 298-6259
kellitaylordvm@gmail.comDr. Kelli Taylor, a 2008 Washington State College of Veterinary Medicine graduate, is currently working toward her certification as an Equine Rehabilitation Therapist and is also certified in animal chiropractic and veterinary acupuncture. Mindful Healing Veterinary Care is currently shifting its focus from preventative care to pain management, equine performance enhancement, and athletic rehabilitation. We provide thorough functional assessments of the equine athlete and help the owner and/or trainer to develop a rehabilitation plan for the individual horse which may include stall exercises, under saddle exercises, and physical therapy treatment techniques (soft tissue/manual therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, kinesiotaping, cold laser therapy, NMES therapy, Estim, and more). We also provide cold laser therapy, chiropractic/manual therapy, and acupuncture treatments to small animals.
(888) 453-5964
Horse stables, riding arenas, and equestrian facilities; we do it all. Visit our website for a free quote.
(805) 423-5922
miniaturehorses@charter.netWe sell quality, loving, registered miniature horses at reasonable prices. Located in the central coast of California.
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