North America Horse Directory
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Miniature Donkeys
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Legendary Farms strives to breed Miniature Donkeys with outstanding conformation, wonderful personalities, strong genetics, and good health. Our donkeys are great for showing, pets, therapy, and driving events.
Miniature Horse Foals(615) 848-0035
kfleener@comcast.netLegendary Farms strives to breed Miniature Donkeys with outstanding conformation, wonderful personalities, strong genetics, and good health. Our donkeys are great for showing, pets, therapy, and driving events.
Finger Lakes Region
Dundee, NY 14837
We are expecting AMHA, AMHR, PTHA eligible registered & unregistered foals through 2012. Pricing starts at $500. Ask to see pictures of our horses & previous foals!
Miniature Horse TrainerDundee, NY 14837
(607) 243-8621
uboutique@hotmail.comWe are expecting AMHA, AMHR, PTHA eligible registered & unregistered foals through 2012. Pricing starts at $500. Ask to see pictures of our horses & previous foals!
Monroe, NY 10950
My name is Jacqueline Conklin, and I have spend most of my life training miniature horses. I started in 1986 with the A.M.H.A. when I was 3 years old. I have trained numerous horses and won various titles with them. I would love to come and help you out with your horse. I specialize in performance & driving and love working with kids.
Minnesota Arabian Horse Breeders - MAHBMinnesota Farm and Ranch Real
My name is Jacqueline Conklin, and I have spend most of my life training miniature horses. I started in 1986 with the A.M.H.A. when I was 3 years old. I have trained numerous horses and won various titles with them. I would love to come and help you out with your horse. I specialize in performance & driving and love working with kids.
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Minnesota. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
Minnesota Horse CouncilMinnesota North Star Paint Horse Club - MNSPHCMinnesota Paint Horse Association - MPHAMinnesota Quarter Horse Association - MQHAMinnesota School of
6250 Riverdale Drive, NW
Ramsey, MN 55303
The Minnesota School of Horseshoeing is one of the premiere farrier schools in the US. If you're looking for a farrier education, this is the place.
Ramsey, MN 55303
(763) 427-5850
(800) 257-5850
info@mnschoolofhorseshoeing.comThe Minnesota School of Horseshoeing is one of the premiere farrier schools in the US. If you're looking for a farrier education, this is the place.
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