North America Horse Directory
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Mountain Horse Medical Center
1005 Beehive Road
Park City, UT 84098
Mountain Horse Medical Center in Utah is a state of the art, world class equine medical center. Our facilities, equipment, and skill levels are unmatched. Some of the services we offer are otherwise unavailable in Utah. Our veterinarians are committed to bringing a superior level of equine care to horse owners in Utah and the Intermountain West. Whether it is for complicated surgery, routine medical care, or emergency services, we provide the best care possible for all of your equine needs.
Mountain Manor FarmPark City, UT 84098
(435) 649-6273
info@mthmc.comMountain Horse Medical Center in Utah is a state of the art, world class equine medical center. Our facilities, equipment, and skill levels are unmatched. Some of the services we offer are otherwise unavailable in Utah. Our veterinarians are committed to bringing a superior level of equine care to horse owners in Utah and the Intermountain West. Whether it is for complicated surgery, routine medical care, or emergency services, we provide the best care possible for all of your equine needs.
163B Hillcrest Road
Readington, NJ 08870
Lovely barn with box stalls, arena and trails.
Mountain Mist FarmReadington, NJ 08870
Lovely barn with box stalls, arena and trails.

Visit Mountain Mist Farm's Facebook Page
99 Morey
Kenduskeag, ME 04450
(207) 884-4707
mtmistfarms@hotmail.comWe are a private equine facility specializing in Arabians. We provide lessons and training along with equine accommodations. We are available for the questions and needs of our equine community.
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards

Visit Mountain View Ranch - Horses for Sale's Facebook Page
502 Easy St
Danby, VT 05739
(802) 293-5837
riding@mountainviewranch.bizOur mission is to match the right horse with the right rider for a lasting connection and relationship.

Visit Mountain View Ranch / Sun Bowl Ranch's Facebook Page
502 Easy St
Danby, VT 05739
(802) 293-5837
riding@sunbowlranch.comMountain View Ranch in southern Vermont offers horseback riding, trail rides, riding lessons, pony rides, sleigh rides, wagon rides, riding camps, and riding & lodging packages.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Carriages
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Horse Training Stables
- Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programs
- Horse Leasing Stables
86 George Hill Rd
Branchville, NJ
Former Even Star Farm is now re-opened. Beautiful 51 acre farm with tons of pastures with sheds, water, and electric. Older converted cow barn with 12 stalls, a wash stall with hot and cold water, and a tack room.
Newer barn built in 2002 with large stall and tack room.
Both barns have access to an 80x120 indoor arena and outdoor riding ring.
We offer full and outdoor board.
Mountainview Walking Horse RanchBranchville, NJ
(973) 300-3307
(973) 727-6488
jaulisi@mountainsidestables.comFormer Even Star Farm is now re-opened. Beautiful 51 acre farm with tons of pastures with sheds, water, and electric. Older converted cow barn with 12 stalls, a wash stall with hot and cold water, and a tack room.
Newer barn built in 2002 with large stall and tack room.
Both barns have access to an 80x120 indoor arena and outdoor riding ring.
We offer full and outdoor board.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Pony Parties / Birthday Parties
Clark, WY 82435
Your Wyoming source for naturally gaited, sweet-tempered Tennessee Walking Horses and Spotted Saddle Horses with World Champion bloodlines. Standing black tobiano Tennessee Walking Horses, Pride's Thrill-Ah-Gee and CHMP Three Colors.
Mounted Eagles, Inc.(307) 645-3034
Your Wyoming source for naturally gaited, sweet-tempered Tennessee Walking Horses and Spotted Saddle Horses with World Champion bloodlines. Standing black tobiano Tennessee Walking Horses, Pride's Thrill-Ah-Gee and CHMP Three Colors.

Visit Mounted Eagles, Inc.'s Facebook Page
Spirit Horse Center Inc.
8683 50th Avenue
Brainerd, MN 56401
(888) 828-9920
(218) 454-3228
info@mountedeagles.orgTherapeutic riding lessons for persons with disabilities. We're a non-profit organization in Brainerd, MN, helping handicapped persons to participate in equine-related activities, including the care, training, riding, and driving of horses.

Visit Mounted Games Across America - MGAA's Facebook Page
Mounted Games Across America, Inc. (MGAA) is an independent 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit, all-volunteer group of equestrians devoted to playing national and international mounted games and encouraging and supporting others who want to play equestrian mounted games. MGAA welcomes all riders, all ages, and all skill levels. We offer competitions and clinics for those who already love games and for those who want to learn more about the equestrian sport of mounted games.
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