North America Horse Directory
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My SHINE Program - Special Horses Instructing Noble Equestrians
P.O. Box 357
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
My SHINE Program is a non-profit therapeutic horseback riding program for individuals of all ages with special needs located at Sweet Hills Riding Center in Melville, NY. We have two NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) certified instructors and others in the process of becoming certified. They have many years of experience as trainers.
Our mission is to foster a relationship between individuals with special needs and horses through activities involving horses in a safe and nurturing environment. Our objectives include improving the participants self confidence, physical strength, coordination, and balance and increasing vocalization.
Group or private lessons consist of teaching horsemanship skills, games, mini-trail rides through West Hills Park, and most importantly, having fun. Come experience the magic between horse and rider.
MyEquineSource.comOld Bethpage, NY 11804
(516) 551-1491
(516) 785-1949
barbara@myshineprogram.comMy SHINE Program is a non-profit therapeutic horseback riding program for individuals of all ages with special needs located at Sweet Hills Riding Center in Melville, NY. We have two NARHA (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) certified instructors and others in the process of becoming certified. They have many years of experience as trainers.
Our mission is to foster a relationship between individuals with special needs and horses through activities involving horses in a safe and nurturing environment. Our objectives include improving the participants self confidence, physical strength, coordination, and balance and increasing vocalization.
Group or private lessons consist of teaching horsemanship skills, games, mini-trail rides through West Hills Park, and most importantly, having fun. Come experience the magic between horse and rider.
3785 Crooked Tree Dr
Mason, OH 45040
Search our horses for sale, where we strive to make buying and selling a horse easy and enjoyable.
Myers' StablesMason, OH 45040
Search our horses for sale, where we strive to make buying and selling a horse easy and enjoyable.
Port Matilda, PA 16870
Horse boarding, training, riding lessons and sales, close to Penn State and State College!
Myhre Equine Clinic(814) 280-6086
Horse boarding, training, riding lessons and sales, close to Penn State and State College!
PO Box 1673
Rochester, NH 03867
New England regional imaging center. A full service equine referral hospital, with CAT scan, digital radiography, and nuclear medicine available, and an MRI coming shortly. We offer diagnostic and surgical veterinary services, all at a reasonable cos
Myhre Equine Complex - Nutritional Center & Tack ShopMystango Morgans - Mystik MorgansRochester, NH 03867
(603) 335-4777
New England regional imaging center. A full service equine referral hospital, with CAT scan, digital radiography, and nuclear medicine available, and an MRI coming shortly. We offer diagnostic and surgical veterinary services, all at a reasonable cos
1500 Beachview Crescent
Spring Lake AB T7Z 2S8
Alberta Morgan Horse breeders and sales. Mystango Morgans represents 2 Morgan Horse breeders (Mystik Morgans and Tangowood Morgans) located near Stony Plain, Alberta.
Mystango Morgans - Tangowood MorgansSpring Lake AB T7Z 2S8
(780) 963-4544
Lmac67@hotmail.comAlberta Morgan Horse breeders and sales. Mystango Morgans represents 2 Morgan Horse breeders (Mystik Morgans and Tangowood Morgans) located near Stony Plain, Alberta.
Box 13, Site 15, RR2
Carvel AB T0E 0H0
Alberta Morgan Horse breeders and sales. Mystango Morgans represents 2 Morgan Horse breeders (Mystik Morgans and Tangowood Morgans) located near Stony Plain, Alberta.
Mystic Acres ArabiansCarvel AB T0E 0H0
(780) 963-2943
c_mac@telusplanet.netAlberta Morgan Horse breeders and sales. Mystango Morgans represents 2 Morgan Horse breeders (Mystik Morgans and Tangowood Morgans) located near Stony Plain, Alberta.
6558 FM 2578
Terrell, TX 75160
Mystic Acres Arena and Bit O Tack Tack Shop.
Mystic Meadows ConstructionMystic Meadows FarmTerrell, TX 75160
(972) 962-4572
Mystic Acres Arena and Bit O Tack Tack Shop.
9552 Wall-Gene Rd
South Lyon, MI 48178
Tennessee Walking Horse lessons and training. We are a TWHBEA certified riding academy and a TWH training facility. We specialize in making the rider feel comfortable and balanced on the horse while learning about the Tennessee Walking Horses. We teach all of our lessons on our champion show horses.
South Lyon, MI 48178
Tennessee Walking Horse lessons and training. We are a TWHBEA certified riding academy and a TWH training facility. We specialize in making the rider feel comfortable and balanced on the horse while learning about the Tennessee Walking Horses. We teach all of our lessons on our champion show horses.
- Tennessee Walking Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Saddleseat Stables
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