North America Horse Directory
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National Foundation Quarter Horse Association - NFQHANational Horse Protection Coalition - NHPC
PO Box 1252
Alexandria, VA 22313
A coalition of horse protection organizations.
National Reined Cow Horse Association - NRCHAAlexandria, VA 22313
(703) 836-4300
info@horse-protection.orgA coalition of horse protection organizations.

Visit National Reined Cow Horse Association - NRCHA's Facebook Page
1017 N Highway 377
Pilot Point, TX 76258
(940) 488-1500
info@nrcha.comOfficial Site of the National Reined Cow Horse Association. Home of many of the industries biggest shows and events, including the Snaffle Bit Futurity, World's Greatest Horseman, the River Front Farms Derby, and many more!
4845 S Sheridan
Suite 515
Tulsa, OK 74145
The purpose of the National Snaffle Bit Association is to promote and improve western pleasure horses and hunter under saddle horses.
National Wild Horse Association - NWHANatural Balance Equine DentistrySuite 515
Tulsa, OK 74145
(918) 270-1469
The purpose of the National Snaffle Bit Association is to promote and improve western pleasure horses and hunter under saddle horses.
(202) 321-2583
Elizabeth.h.voss@gmail.comUsing only hand instruments to restore horses' natural oral biomechanical function to enhance performance.
Frequently travel outside of local area.
4 Lois Dr
Walpole, MA 02081
Providing kind, full, personal service for shod and barefoot equines. Evaluating your horse's foot usage and abilities. Using natural balance guidelines for trims to help balance your horses.
Natural Gait, TheWalpole, MA 02081
(617) 406-9519
cdumas@asu.eduProviding kind, full, personal service for shod and barefoot equines. Evaluating your horse's foot usage and abilities. Using natural balance guidelines for trims to help balance your horses.

Visit Natural Gait, The's Facebook Page
1878 Old Mission Drive
Harpers Ferry, IA 52146
(877) 776-2208
info@thenaturalgait.comWe offer many horse clinics throughout the year with some of the best known clinicians and master horseman in the country. We have trail rides and accommodations for you and your horse.
Bakersfield, CA 93301
I am a natural hoof care professional certified by the Oregon School of Natural Hoof Care. Natural hoof care means we trim the hoof to mimic how the horse would wear their hoof to if they had the room to move enough to do so themselves. This allows all of the functions of the hoof to work properly such as traction, shock absorption, and blood circulation, just to name a few, that can be hindered by shoes. Natural hoof care is not all about trimming though. I work closely with nutritionists, lameness specialist, chiropractors or horse body work specialist, and vets to help your horse not only survive, but thrive. Please call Matt at the number above for more information.
Natural Hoofcare(661) 496-5658
naturalhoof@live.comI am a natural hoof care professional certified by the Oregon School of Natural Hoof Care. Natural hoof care means we trim the hoof to mimic how the horse would wear their hoof to if they had the room to move enough to do so themselves. This allows all of the functions of the hoof to work properly such as traction, shock absorption, and blood circulation, just to name a few, that can be hindered by shoes. Natural hoof care is not all about trimming though. I work closely with nutritionists, lameness specialist, chiropractors or horse body work specialist, and vets to help your horse not only survive, but thrive. Please call Matt at the number above for more information.
461 Cedar Crest Lane
Woodbury, TN 37190
AHA certified natural hoof care practitioner. Offering natural hoofcare for rehabilitation of lameness issues in equines and maintenance of high-performance barefoot horses. Servicing all of TN and neighboring states.
Woodbury, TN 37190
(615) 542-6089
horsinaround@dtccom.netAHA certified natural hoof care practitioner. Offering natural hoofcare for rehabilitation of lameness issues in equines and maintenance of high-performance barefoot horses. Servicing all of TN and neighboring states.
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