North America Horse Directory
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Natural Hoofcare Practitioner
2997 Deerfield Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
Barefoot hoof trimming, nutritional consulting, and boot fitting. Horses, drafts, ponies, donkeys, mules, and minis. Founder and navicular cases welcome. I travel all over central IL, up to 200 miles.
Natural Horsemanship on OrcasClinton, IL 61727
(217) 944-2340
LMParlier@yahoo.comBarefoot hoof trimming, nutritional consulting, and boot fitting. Horses, drafts, ponies, donkeys, mules, and minis. Founder and navicular cases welcome. I travel all over central IL, up to 200 miles.
1260 Channel Rd
Deer Harbor
Orcas Island, WA 98243
Learn to be safe with horses by understanding horse psychology, their language, and how to play the games horses play. Work with our mustangs adopted from the wild, who will teach you how to use your body language for horse/human communication. Lunge line, riding lessons, and liberty work taught. Clinics on the farm monthly. Come visit for a week/weekend and stay in our cottage while learning about horses. Experienced teacher with well-planned lessons will help you develop confidence and naturalness with horses. Training available with your horses on your farm as well.
Natural Horsemanship Trainer and ClinicianDeer Harbor
Orcas Island, WA 98243
(360) 376-4642
(360) 298-2017
kate@orcasdreams.comLearn to be safe with horses by understanding horse psychology, their language, and how to play the games horses play. Work with our mustangs adopted from the wild, who will teach you how to use your body language for horse/human communication. Lunge line, riding lessons, and liberty work taught. Clinics on the farm monthly. Come visit for a week/weekend and stay in our cottage while learning about horses. Experienced teacher with well-planned lessons will help you develop confidence and naturalness with horses. Training available with your horses on your farm as well.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Ranches and Vacations
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Riding Instructors
- Natural Horsemanship Training
310 Phillips St
Hutto, TX 78634
Services include: colts started, gentling, working with problem horses, and tune-ups.
Natural Horsemanship TrainingHutto, TX 78634
(512) 769-3358
equineinnovation@gmailServices include: colts started, gentling, working with problem horses, and tune-ups.
638 Higgins Rd
Bentonia, MS 39040
Personalized training using natural horsemanship methods. Colt starting, problem horses, rider confidence, and fundamental training. I only take in a few horses at a time so each horse can receive the quality training necessary to learn each lesson. Short waiting period, but worth the wait.
Natural Horsemanship Training by Curt CordellBentonia, MS 39040
(662) 673-0129
(662) 571-7520
blpdoc82652@yahoo.comPersonalized training using natural horsemanship methods. Colt starting, problem horses, rider confidence, and fundamental training. I only take in a few horses at a time so each horse can receive the quality training necessary to learn each lesson. Short waiting period, but worth the wait.
7579 Ayrshire Road
Mannford, OK 74044
Natural horsemanship training, lessons, clinics, transport, and guided trail rides.
Natural Trim Hoof CareMannford, OK 74044
(918) 812-6116
horsetrainingbycurt@yahoo.comNatural horsemanship training, lessons, clinics, transport, and guided trail rides.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Transportation
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
37 Centerville Road
Columbia, NJ 07832
Serving NJ and parts of NY and PA. Barefoot trimmer for all riding disciplines. Studied under Ramey/Jackson, Chapman, and Dr. Bowker. Gentle & patient. Specializing in rehabilitation of navicular, ringbone, and founder. Flat fee charged. I also do personal trailer loading instruction for your hard to load horse.
Naughty Pine ArabiansColumbia, NJ 07832
(973) 876-4475
info@naturaltrimhoofcare.comServing NJ and parts of NY and PA. Barefoot trimmer for all riding disciplines. Studied under Ramey/Jackson, Chapman, and Dr. Bowker. Gentle & patient. Specializing in rehabilitation of navicular, ringbone, and founder. Flat fee charged. I also do personal trailer loading instruction for your hard to load horse.
202 Wylie Rd RR#1
Deep River ON K0J 1P0
I focus on Straight Egyptian bloodlines and palomino partbreds.
NC Equine PhotosDeep River ON K0J 1P0
(613) 584-3253
kulta@sympatico.caI focus on Straight Egyptian bloodlines and palomino partbreds.
(910) 794-9819
info@ncequinephotos.comContact NC Equine Photos for information on equine and other animal photography services in North Carolina and surrounding states.
3659 Pedley Ave
Norco, CA 92860
At NDR Therapeutic Riding Center, adults and children with disabilities and other limitations learn to ride horses. Learn about therapeutic riding, check out the services we provide, learn about the Center, and find out how you can volunteer or support our mission. NDR Therapeutic Riding Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Norco, California.
Nebraska Appaloosa Club - NACNorco, CA 92860
(951) 283-3967
donna@ndrtherapeuticriding.orgAt NDR Therapeutic Riding Center, adults and children with disabilities and other limitations learn to ride horses. Learn about therapeutic riding, check out the services we provide, learn about the Center, and find out how you can volunteer or support our mission. NDR Therapeutic Riding Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Norco, California.
The Nebraska Appaloosa Club is one of the best Appaloosa / horse clubs in the Midwest. Please stop by and enjoy our site.
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