North America Horse Directory
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Nebraska Farm and Ranch Real Estate
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Nebraska. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
Nebraska Paint Horse Club - NPHCNebraska Thoroughbred Breeders Association, Inc -
PO Box 2215
Grand Island, NE 68802
Nebraska Thoroughbred race horses.
Neighland FarmNellie Gail Ranch - Nellie Gail Equestrian CenterGrand Island, NE 68802
(308) 384-4683
Nebraska Thoroughbred race horses.

Visit Nellie Gail Ranch - Nellie Gail Equestrian Center's Facebook Page
Laguna Hills, CA
(949) 831-5041
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Horse Training Stables
6064 FM 1377
Princeton, TX 75407
205 acre boarding and training facility with 25 stalls, a round pen, a covered, lighted arena, and nine (approx 3 acre) turnout paddocks for 2 horses. Full care as low as $375 per month (as of June 2010). Calves on site. Scenic 1 hour trail ride. Grow own bermuda.
Nelson Manufacturing CompanyPrinceton, TX 75407
(972) 734-6159
(972) 743-3143
dennis@nelsonhixsonlcc.com205 acre boarding and training facility with 25 stalls, a round pen, a covered, lighted arena, and nine (approx 3 acre) turnout paddocks for 2 horses. Full care as low as $375 per month (as of June 2010). Calves on site. Scenic 1 hour trail ride. Grow own bermuda.
- Arabian Horse Farms
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
3049 12th Street SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Horse waterers, horse feeders, livestock waterers, dog waterers & feeders.
Nelson Performance HorsesCedar Rapids, IA 52404
(888) 844-6606
(319) 363-2607
support@nelsonmfg.comHorse waterers, horse feeders, livestock waterers, dog waterers & feeders.
Yelm, WA 98597
APHA breeding and sales stallion service.
Netherwood Acres(360) 480-5091
APHA breeding and sales stallion service.

Visit Netherwood Acres' Facebook Page
883 Netherwood Road
Hyde Park, NY 12538
(845) 266-3774
netherwoodacres@aol.comHorse boarding and leasing. Horses for sale or lease.
Foxhunting, eventing, cross country riding, and lessons.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Fox Hunting Stables
- Eventing Stables
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
Find farm and ranch real estate agents in Nevada. Each listing includes contact information and a website link.
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